Chapter 50

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The blonde boy was standing in front of a club with his boyfriend Jeno and the two were waiting for their turn to pay the entry. The club they wanted to visit was known for it's prominent customers and you could already see from outside that normal people were not wanted in there. Finally they got into the club and because it was still early they went straight (well not straight because they're nothing like that... but directly) to the bar to order something to drink. The inside of the club was divided into two floors with elegant curved staircases coming down on both sides of the entry. From the ceiling there were hanging spherical paper lamps, turning everything into a soft violet light. The dance floor was a round space with several, colorful headlights above it. At the wall across from the entry, the DJ took his place with his mixer and in front of him were two large speakers with a little stage in their middle. But of course there were speakers in every corner of the room. Jaemin allowed his gaze to wander around to check out the few guests that were lingering around the club, the most of them were sitting at one of the bars but some were already drunk enough to dance to the loud music blasting through the speakers. Jeno tapped Jaemin's shoulder to signale him that the bartender brought their drinks, Jaemin shifted his attention back to Jeno and raised his glass at the same time as him, then the two boys drank and tried to have a conversation.
They needed one more hour of drinking alcohol and a few more people becoming brave until they went to the dancing floor as well but as the night went on they started to go wild, mostly because of the alcohol.
As they were playing a song from the movie "Magic Mike" around 1am Jaemin was drunk enough to take off his shirt and he already started to open his belt when Jeno saw him. "Eyyy! You're mine!" He shouted and stopped him. Jaemin just looked at him like a little kid who had just lost its favourite toy while Jeno helped him to put on his shirt again. "We're leaving!" Jeno demanded and shot jealous glances to everyone who saw his boyfriend half naked. "But it's so much fun!" Jaemin protested and tried to free himself from Jeno's grip but he had no chance, he was much more drunk than the other boy.
After Jeno manoeuvred them safely out of the crowd and outside the club he called their driver who should pick them up. Jeno hung up and looked at Jaemin who was swaying slightly back and forth: "You should know by now that you don't react that well to alcohol!" Jaemin pouted, feeling insulted: "I'm not drunk! I have evidence! 3*2 makes.." he thought for a few seconds "12!" He shouted finally and looked very proud. Jeno had to laugh so hard he almost fell down on his knees. He was still laughing when their driver arrived to take them home.

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