Meeting Hawke

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Instead of the relief I thought I would feel, it was panic. It was only the tattered remains of my will that kept me from bolting back the way I had come. My saliva seemed to have turned to glue in my mouth and my feet were nailed to the floor.
I tried to force the cogs of my brain to turn but they grinded together in an even more steadfast halt as I realized the voices were getting closer and I could hear three sets of heavy boots heading my way. A deep melodic voice said "Did you hear that? I don't think we're alone, Hawke."
"Easy Varric, whoever it is I'm sure we can handle it."
"If we're lucky it's Bartrand's mangy corpse."  
Then a very strange group came around the corner, not that I of all people really have the right to call them strange. In the lead was a tall woman with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. She went to reach for one of the blades strapped to her back and froze as she took in my appearance. Next to her was a very, very short man with a large crossbow who couldn't have looked more startled and intrigued if he tried. Directly behind him was another man who was the tallest in the party, with blond hair pulled back into a ponytail and a large staff on his back. I almost didn't notice the small girl in the back. I hadn't heard her feet because she wasn't wearing shoes. I could see pointed ears sticking out from under her short black hair and green eyes studied me curiously from out of a tattooed face.
There was a few tense moments where we just stared at each other. Then the woman took a cautious step forward, keeping a hand on the hilt of her blade. She seemed to read the fear in my face, because she said "We mean you no harm. My name is Marian Hawke. How long have you been down there?"
I swallowed, but my voice still came out hoarse. "I don't know"
The girl with the tattoo came around Hawke and slowly came towards, and I took an involuntary step back. She stopped and smiled at me. "It's alright, I'm Merrill. You're safe now." When I didn't answer she took another small step forward. "What's your name?"
"Do you know where you are?"
I shook my head, trying not to tremble.
Hawke nodded decisively. "You'll come with us then."
The taller man looked at her oddly. "Are you sure that's wise? She is... well she doesn't exactly blend in with a crowd."
The shorter man came forward and held out his hand to me. "Varric Tethras, dwarf and soon to be brother murderer."
"What?" I blinked.
Hawke stepped forward, finally taking her hand off her blade. "We were on a Deep Roads expedition with Varric's older brother, Bartrand." Her voice turned hard. "The bastard locked us down here for money."
"Deep Roads?" I asked, feeling like an idiot.
"That's where we are." Said the man flatly.
"The charming blondie is Anders." Varric pointed over his shoulder a him.
"Shall we move on?" Merrill  asked, looking around  at everyone kind of absentmindedly.
"Where are we going?" I shifted from foot to foot, almost ashamed of how nervous I was.
Varric grinned at me "Best city in all of Thedas, Kirkwall."
I didn't bother to ask about what Thedas or Kirkwall is, but it was confirmed for real now. This was not my world.

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