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As we set out the next morning I fell in step beside Varric, feeling more comfortable with him. I seemed to gravitate towards him, especially after he had sat with me the night before and explained the difference between dwarves, elves, qunari, and between mages, warriors, rogues. He even took the time to go over darkspawn, and the recent thing called a blight in a country called Ferelden. He talked until my brain throbbed with all the new information. He hadn't asked if I wanted to know, and hadn't embarrassed me by making me ask questions, he just knew I was clueless. Although I was a rather small person Varric still only came up to the elbow, and he had to glance up at me to talk to me. "You're not from around here are you?"
"What could have possibly given you that impression?"
Varric just smirked at me. "So where are you from?"
"Somewhere very different."
"That's specific."
"Why do you care?"
"You're a story."
"Excuse me?" I glanced down at him, not sure how to respond.
"Come on Corbin, you seem like a smart girl. I go down into the Deep Roads and find not only a girl running out of an ancient thaig, but that girl has wings and is not anything I've ever seen before. Someone from an entirely different world. I collect stories, I'm collecting Hawke's as we speak and I would love to collect yours. Admit it little lady, you're interesting." He lightly elbowed me.
I felt an odd feeling of pride at that word. Interesting. "I've never thought of myself as being... interesting." I admitted.
"Well you're interesting to me if no one else." He adjusted his crossbow, Bianca he had called it. "Now then, tell me about where you're from."
"I don't know where to start."
"How about your clothes?"
"I guess..." So I set about the task of explaining my world to him. He listened and asked questions. I had never had to think about the little intricacies of my world before, right down to boiling water. As I talked I realized two things, one was that the other three were listening at least as much as Varric. Both Hawke and Merrill continually glanced back at me, even Anders turned his head to acknowledge me a few times, although he immediately looked away if I caught him. Secondly, I was talking the hours away, we must have walked at least twenty miles before I ran out of things to say.
"How exciting your world sounds." Merrill smiled.
I shrugged, giving my wingtips a brief reprieve from dragging along the rock. "Not really, right now I'm a lot more interested in yours."
Anders slowed down to be closer to me. "Then you need to understand the struggle we mages face."
"With your magic?" I crossed my arms, feeling uncomfortable with his intensity.
"Sh..." Hawke had stopped up ahead and was peering around a corner. She waved us forward.
I decided to stay behind Varric, after seeing what was left of the rock wraith in the large cavern I'd made the assumption that any of them would be better in a fight than me.
After a moment Hawke grinned. "We're almost home."
I didn't share the groups smile, not with the dread curling up in me.

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