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Writing Prompt: The most recent time you felt humiliated. 

Over break, I ended up at the doctor's office like usual. The had to weigh me (119 pounds, the most healthiest I've been for someone my size) and I was so excited to tell my family. I've struggled with weight for a good portion of my life (mainly gaining it and keeping it) so this was big for me. I ended up telling y aunts first and the first thing they said was, "Now you have to watch what you eat or else you'll end up like your mother." in public. They know how self conscious I am of my body, how bad my mom feels for being slightly overweight, and that was the first thing they thought was appropriate to say. A high metabolism runs in my family and we don't usually see a weight shift until about late 40's, early 50's anyways. But I felt crushed, embarrassed. They continued to remind me throughout the week as well, always in front of others. They tried to play it off as a joke, to "Stop being so uptight about it!" But it hurt a lot. I was so embarrassed that I've stopped eating in front of them again. I don't think they understand the struggle and how much their words can hurt. I trusted them and they ended up tearing me down again. 

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