Knots Becoming Loose

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Flash Back

I watch as my master leaves in a fit of disappointment and sadness. I follow in tow as I need to protect my master, I may be small but my bite still hurts. She wanders farther but I eventually lose her and get myself lost. I try my best to get home but it fails. I curl up in a small forest opening and begin whimpering before I hear the wretched creature from when I first meet master.

Rake:"Oh it's the little mutt from the family that first perished me, guess I got lucky~"

I whimper and back away before she gets a sadistic smile on her rotted face. It made me scared out of my senses, how had she survived the master's brother? She comes forward with the intent to kill me.

Rake:"Is the little pup scared? You want to know how I am 'alive'? Well a demon came to me and rose me from the dead, she gave me a choice... to help her find her son or go back to hell to suffer. Now I am famished and you look like a great appetizer~"

She lunged forward and tried to claw at my face. I somehow got the strength to dodge to the side as she grazed my cheek cutting through my fur and leaving a mark with blood oozing out.

Rake:"Oh~ It seems that the pup had some strength after all. At least once you're dead I can go devour that human... what was her name? Izzy, wasnt it? She'll make a great meal after starving for so long."

I felt a sudden primal instinct go through me as I dashed at her, lightning trailing me. I bit her arm as electrical currents flow through my very blood. She screeches as I rip out some muscle before leaping back. She has utter surprise written on her face, though it quickly fades as it turns to lust for blood... a smile painted on her decomposing face.

Rake:"Now this gets my blood going~ I just Love having some fun with my prey."

Neo:"Y-y-ou will not harm m-ma-ster..."

I charge with pure rage in my body, she slashes at my eye and gouges it out. I ignore the pain and pierce her throat with my electric-charged teeth. She screams and throws me to the ground as the air is forced out of my small body. She slashes at high speed and propels me into a tree with a kick me into a tree. I cry out a howl and stand on my four legs and try to limp towards her. My vision starts fading before thoughts pass through me, I think of master and how she cared for me. I think of my new family and how they protected me. I cry out as lightning strikes my body and rotates around my small frame. I let out a growl before dashing towards her. In a flash I fly past and look at her. She is missing an arm as I clutch it in my mouth now disintegrating it in my jaw. She doesn't get a chance to breath before I lash out. I burn the hair off her scalp with electricity and jump back. I start to feel immense pain as my body changes at an alarming rate, my bones crack and grow before placing themselves into larger sockets, my fur mane ages thoroughly as I feel my body transforms into a new being. I stand on four powerful paws and roar with new and powerful vocals. I stretch my being before grinning my wolfish smile. I am now a... Direwolf. I look towards the Rake and speak with a powerful tone.

Neo:"You will Not harm master, I am her loyal companion and will nit allow her to fall to the likes of you."

Rake:"What are you? How have you gained this power you mutt. *sigh* I didn't want to go back yet but at least you will perish."

As she says that her body dispersed and a red skinned, dark eyed version of her stood in place. She chuckled deeply before pouncing. In the drop of a coin she has her jaws wrapped around my nape. I just grin as the electric currents in my body become more powerful and she jumps back in pain after her lips are melted by the electricity. I circle her before pouncing on her and clawing at her eyes. She simply grips my stomaxh with her claws as her face is left a mess. I hear a roar as she near teleports behind me and trys to attack. I stand there in shock and awe as a wall of pure lightning ia blocking her path. I grin before charging a lightning bolt in my jaw, I look at the slim and pale woman before staring in her eyes. She opens them in shock as the bolt pierces her body destroying and mutilating all of her major organs, leaving a pile of burnt flesh and tissue as she collapsed. I look at the mess one more time before going to find my master.

Flash Back End/\Timeskip 3 Hours

I hear a gunshot in the distance followed by screams of agony. I panic and suddenly feel something in me die. Master... I race towards the screams and as I happen upon it I see 6 bodies. I recognize one unconscious Jess and see four other figures. I look towards the sixth body... And howl in grief as I find Master. I whimper as I lower my head fkr my nkse to nuzzle her, the sorrow fills my bones before I hear a voice and fade into my mind.

???:"Welcome Young Neo, I have been observing you flr a while now. In fact, I gave you the power you have gained. I am Shülk, the wolf of Storm. I gave you my power because I see potential in your shattered heart. Now I will give you a choice..."

I come back to reality after discussing my options with Shülk. I look at Master and lut my palm on her heart as I start chanting incantations. The memories we hold circling my very brain as light pours into my sockets... White is all I see as I look around.

Shülk:"Welcome to your soul, Neo. You will have your wish but you must realise that this child will bear a quantity of power that is hard to control. Are you positive about this?"

I only nod as the process begins, I soon merge my soul with Master's and feel her very lifeforce rejuvenating as I smile. Our souls intertwine as I become one with her. She now has the power of Shülk and I am to be her mentor, forever being with my master...

Izzy Point Of View

I awake in shock, how am I alive? I was killed and stopped breathing how-

Neo:'Hello Master, I should explain correct?'

Izzy:"Are you in my head?! How am I alive?!"

And wkth that I learn of what happened to Neo... And me. I now have a skul connected bond with mental canine. And now hold the power of a storm wolf...

I hope you enjoyed this installment, this chapter is meant to make Izzy a more significant character as here drive to protect Y/N rises. This chapter may be confusing but will be fleshed out in chapters to come. If you liked this chapter please follow me as that would mean the world to me :) I bid my farewells and hope you have a nice day/night!

Decayed Hope     (An Abused and Neglected Male Reader X Fem! Creepypasta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now