Selena's Disappearance

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I walk around the forest, it was near a little abandoned shack that me and Fate had occupied when we fell. I wander around gazing at the green scenery and notice a blood trail followed by an unknown feminine scream. I dash towards the scene and see a pale woman with what looks like a forced smile on her face. She is atop a young woman and is vigorously piercing her with a knife. I walk towards her cautiously before she zips her head towards me, a knife whizzed past my head and I simply ask her something.

Selena:"Who are you? And why are you killing a innocent girl?"

Young Jess:"My name is Jess The Killer, she died because she entered our forest. Now what are you doing here? You seem to have some power..."

Selena:"I am a species unknown to you. I am here with another as we were recently 'kicked' out. Now what do you mean by 'our'?"

Jess takes the knife out of the deceased female and looks at Selena with a curious and serious glint in her eyes. She seems to open her mouth before seemingly saying something that Selena was confused by.

Young Jess:"Well, we are creepypastas. We own this forest and all who enter it die. Now you will come with me or else Slenda and the rest of us will have to kill you."

Selena:"As long as you don't try and kill us we'll go. Just remember to take us seriously... cause if you don't then it will be your last mistake."

Timeskip Two Hours

We are now at the front of the mansion that the 'creepypastas' dwell. I knock on the door only for a pale woman in a dark business suit open the door. She seems to be lacking facial features. Fate then proceeds to open his big mouth.

Fate:"So you must be the mother bird to the little smiley we were greeted by earlier?"

Slenda:"Very casual talk coming from an eternal. But to answer your question, yes. I am the 'boss' of Jess. Now please enter and take a seat on our couch."

As Fate and Selena have a conversation with Slenda, they are offered a place a the mansion. They are to kill and a sort of 'rent' per say. It has now been around 2 years and Selena and Jess had gotten closer. Fate had meet a girl named Zalgo and they seemed to be hitting it off. Selena was currently on a patrol for the mansion when she heard a blood curdling scream come from within the forest. The scream seemed distinctly like Jess. I sprint to the sound in a millisecond and find Jess clutching her tips. Blood is pooled around her and I find that she was surrounded by three unknown figures. I cut a rift with my katana and appear behind the first figure. I pierce him with my sword before summoning two javelins to go through the heads of the other two assailants. As they drop motionless I go and pick Jess up. I get ready to teleport but my mind seems to object, if I teleport a far distance I will lose most of my memories. I know if I don't then Jess will die of blood loss though. A final thought slips by before I teleport her back to the mansion. Memories flush out of my brain before being unknown to me. All except for a singular person. Fate. I find myself surrounded by an unknown forest and simply question myself before going towards the outskirts. A final thought passes my head along with unknown voices.

Voices:"She's Fading From Us Don't Let Her Go You Must Try To Remember. She is

Point of View Fate

I sit at the kitchen, worried as Selena and Jess have been gone for hours. I fear the worst before I hear a loud thud alongside confused gasps. I quickly make my way to the living room only to be greeted by a crowd of CPs around a bleeding Jess. I push through a kneel besides Jess. She simply says One thing before passing out from blood loss.

Jess:"Selena... s-she saved me..."

As I hear that I realize that Selena had used her 'Forgotten Teleportation' ability. I run out of the house after getting Nurse Ann to tend to Jess.

TimeSkip 6 Hours

Fate:"She's gone..."

I had spent the last six hours searching for Selena. She had vanished. I fall to my knees, memories of us flowing through my head. Even though we weren't in love any longer, she had still been someone I was close with. And now... she was gone.

Decayed Hope     (An Abused and Neglected Male Reader X Fem! Creepypasta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now