A 'Normal' Day

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You awoke with a groan. It was only 6am and you felt like you had been crushed by bus.

Y/N:'How did I wake up so early? Ugh, I might as well go and devour something for breakfast'

As you sit up you hear a half asleep Clocky protest and try to pull you back into bed.

Clocky:"You're not going anywhere, you can't leave your wife so cold in bed-"

Before she can finish she falls back into deep slumber. This leaves an embarrassed Y/N to comprehend what happened before proceeding downstairs and towards the kitchen.

Slenda:"Oh hello Y/N,I didn't expect anyone to be up this early. Would you like to help me make breakfast? I tried getting Fate to help me but you can see that didn't work."

You glance at the marble island and see Fate sleeping with his head on it. He was drooling as if he was sleeping for the first time in forever. You giggled as you proceeded to help Slenda with the food.

Y/N:"So, what do I make first? Should I start start with the bacon?"

Slenda:"Make anything that comes to mind. It's good for the girls to have variety. I'll be making Pancakes and porridge. And of course I'll also be handling Jax's meal."

Y/N:"Okay, well then fruit salad and French toast should be good. I'll make some smoothies too."

An hour passes by and breakfast is ready. Slenda goes to wake the girls while you go to find Izzy. To your surprise you find her on the sofa watching (Favorite show).

Izzy:"Oh hey Y/N! Do you need something? Or is there something that happened-"

Y/N:"Calm down Izzy *Chuckles* I just came over to tell you that breakfast is ready... You are definitely something, you know that?"

Izzy:"*Pouts* You are so mean! *yawn* I guess I'll go eat. What did you make for us? I hope you made sprinkle cupcakes!"

Y/N:"I made you some strawberry tarts and a mixed berry smoothie. I hope you enjoy it, but can you help me wake Fate? He feel asleep on the island and I can't seem to wake him."

Izzy:"Oh that's easy! Just make some waffles and he'll jolt up like a jackrabbit who heard a predator!"

You and Izzy walk towards the kitchen(Izzy basically naruto runs over there like the childish girl she is). Once there you and Izzy make blueberry waffles and the smell causes Fate to wake in an instant.

Fate:"Who made the waffles? Can I have some?!"

Y/N&Izzy:"We made them! But you can't eat them until everyone is here."

As the siblings say that they hear a roar of groans and yawns as they find the group of girls coming down the stairs. Slenda was grabbing a half asleep Benny by the leg as she protested.

Y/N:"Hey girls! *grins like a madman* Hope you all are ready to dig in. Me and Slenda worked our butts off to make all this."

They all glance at the kitchen to see a mountain of different breakfast dishes ready to be consumed.

Y/N:"Dig In!"


As you announce, that the pile of tired killers bolts at the food. Jess takes a whole stack of pancakes with about half of a syrup bottle's contents poured on it. Benny gets around eight waffles that range with different berries and puts a mountain of whip cream on them. Clocky grabs a fruit salad and a frappuccino. Jill gets some French toast and puts a variety of toppings on it. Jane gets a black coffee and some toast with jam. Izzy grabs her berry tarts and mixed smoothie as she smiles with glee. Slenda only has a coffee as she told you that she doesn't eat or at least prefers not to. You grab F/B (Favorite Breakfast) and a cup of OJ. Fate is devouring his waffles like a wild animal with a warm glass of milk at his side. As you glance around the kitchen you see a girl in a blue mask with void dark eyes and black ooze coming out of the sockets just sitting at the table, head down. You walk over to her to see what's up.

Y/N:"Hello, I'm Y/N. May I ask your name and why you're sitting here all alone?"

???:"O-oh hello... my n-name is Eyeless Jax b-but you can call me EJ. I'm over here because I didn't want to creep you out with what I eat..."

Y/N:"You don't have to worry about me judging you... Slenda already told me about you eating kidneys. *looks her in the eyes* Can I ask you how they taste?"

EJ:"w-what? Are you s-s-serious?!" *blushes and mumbles* t-they taste like f/f..."

Y/N:"You're joking?! I love f/f (Favorite Food)! Can I have a bite of the kidney?!"

EJ:"I don't think you'd enjoy eating your own s-species kidneys. So for your own sake I must say n-no."

Y/N:"Aww, I guess that's ok... so what do you guys do for fun here?"

And with that you began a 'normal' day with the CPs. You all ate breakfast and proceed to go to the gym area of the mansion with the other members of the group. You were going to fight one of them for fun... but who?

I hope you all enjoyed. In the next chapter the mansion's residents take part in a pair of 'friendly' duels... like a tournament. But who will win? Find out in the next chapter...

Decayed Hope     (An Abused and Neglected Male Reader X Fem! Creepypasta Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now