Now I/You See You/Me

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I was completely at loss as to what to react. I'm tensed, worried, anxious, afraid, heart-stricken, and... excited? (Am I supposed to feel this? I guess so. I think I'm feeling it too.)

"Ok. I'm getting closer. See you there! Bye."

Whew! Now I have to inspect myself to make sure everything's all right. Make-up, check. Hair, check. Nails, check. Breath, check. Outfit, check. Redolence, check. I'm all set! I'm ready! (Am I really?).

The bus stopped at the resort's façade but the bump of mixed feelings that I've been feeling a little while ago still continued to raise the speed of my pulse; and the more I step closer, the speed just seemed to double up.

Inhale. I have to draw some more air into my lungs so I could breathe well and earn more guts to say the words I've been practicing for countless times. Exhale... to expel the air and release all cumbrous energies that I may be ready for some face-to-face commotion later. Inhale. Exhale. Feels good. Now I appreciate physical education.

"There you are! We've been waiting for you!" one of my not-so-close batchmates exclaimed as he saw me walking towards them. And wow, he just put his arm around my shoulder while leading me to the cottage. How gentlemanly!


"Wilson? He's there." he interrupted and pointed the direction of the guy I cursed. But it was not him that I was looking for, it was actually my bestfriend. Urgh! How could he utter his name when my question wasn't finished yet?

He has hooked his attention and so the renegade gave us a tender look. And could you believe it? He radiantly smiled at me. Oh gosh! It made me remember the day I met him. That was also the day I started to realize that I can be somehow crazy in love.

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