3-23-19 [CLOSED]

51 3 63

Day 33

Cats: 22

Herb: 150


Clan News

A fire has started! To put out the fire, 5 cats have to use the /remove fire command. If it is not removed by the end of the day it will burn the camp and 2 cats will die.

Tundrakit, now Tundrapaw is a medicine cat apprentice! She will be appointed to Littleleaf!

A drought has stuck MiseryClan! Starting now, every time you train, hunt, or forage, you have a 10% chance of accidentally scratching dry wood, and if you do that, you have a 30% chance of starting a fire.

MiseryClan was able to successfully defeat the bear yesterday, but it injured a few cats. Eagleeye, Shadowsnow, Oakfoot, and Holly found the bear's den and in it was 40 prey!

Ambercloud has received a prophecy!

As fire burns, and darkness lurks
The tiger will come and set a curse
Storm will fall and thunder will crash
Before final peace will last

Beware the one who lurks within
Their trust is sharp but loyalty is thin
The Clan will leave one thin scratch
But make at everlasting

Honeytail's prophecy is still unanswered
As the darkness approaches the lake
The sharp claw will pierce through the darkness
And the falling leaf will settle the peace

Highpaw and Sparrowpaw areready to become warriors! USe the /rank up to... (warrior name) to rank up!

Injuries Report:

Eagleeye has 24 damage points

Shadowsnow has 24 damage points

Holly has 24 damage points

Oakfoot has 24 damage points


The Clan's hunger level is perfect

Border Strength: 10/10

Make sure you patrol to prevent attacks!

Gingerstar- -Black she- cat with ginger speckles and extremely fluffy fur
Age: 50 moons
Hp:Level 6
AttackPower: Level 6
DefensePoints: Level 6
HuntingSkill: Level 6
Energy: 5
Controlled by LilaTheLoner

Apprentice: Highpaw- black tom with white markings and green- yellow eyes
Age: 40 moons
Hp: Level 1
AttackPower: Level 1
DefensePoints: Level 1
HuntingSkill: Level 1
Energy: 3
Controlled by Alto_the_Crashwing

Deputy: Silvermist-She is a well built she-cat. Her eyes are a dark green and her pelt is a soft gray. Her muzzle and paws are white though.
Age: 50 moons
Hp: Level 3
AttackPower: Level 3
DefensePoints: Level 3
HuntingSkill: Level 3
Energy: 4
Controlled by Blu3_Roses

Medcine Cat:

Ambercloud-Gray she-cat with amber eyes
Hp: Level 4
ForageSkill: Level 4
HealingSkill: Level 5
Energy: 4
Controlled by DracoDragonGirl
Age: 50 moons

Fallenleaf- : white she cat with blue eyes
Hp: Level 3
ForageSkill: Level 3
HealingSkill: Level 4
Energy: 4
Controlled by catandnova
Age: 50 moons

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