Sentence Starters

401 7 612

"But I made you doubt me."
"You called this home..."
"There's good in him I know there's...still-"
"You're breaking my heart!"
"You're going to kill him aren't you?"
"So, this is how liberty dies?"
"I you..."
"Sometimes there are things you can't fix."
"To be angry, is to be human..."
"Count Dooku. So, the poisonous traitor rears his ugly head once again"
"Clovis...Clovis, no!"
"It's only because I'm so in love...."
"Just, what did we do last night?"

"You're surprised because you have a soft spot for hot blondes.

"You planned this all from the beginning?"

"None of what we had was ever real, was it?"

"All of the things I sacrificed for you didn't mean a thing?"

"After all your lies, how do I know you mean it when you say you're sorry?"

"I hope you realized what you did was cruel."

"If you want to regain my trust, you have to earn it."

"I am who I am because of you."

"Stop that, it tickles!"

"I think your perfect. Even with your flaws, you're nothing but perfect."

"That was barely even a kiss! Do it again - please?"

"Stop pretending life doesn't terrify you."

"I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me."

"Was this all just a joke to you?"

"Every time I wake up I'm reaching for you ... but you're never there."

"What's this between us?"

"I don't want your apology."

"You met me at a very strange time in my life."

"We are not the same, and never will be."

"Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back."

"Where the hell are they?!"

"Stop pretending life doesn't terrify you."

"I'll consider kissing you if you can beat me."

"Was this all just a joke to you?"

"Can we start over?"

"Of course it meant something!"

"I wanna say that there's still hope but sometimes things just don't go your way."

"Your eyes can be so cruel..."

"I can never do anything right can I?!"

"Does hurting me make you feel good or something? "

"You were never in love with leave me alone!"

"I am Padmé Amidala, Senator from Naboo. I demand that you release us immediately. The Galactic Senate will not treat with terrorist."

"Aren't you awful young and pretty to be a senator?"

"The bridge is out!"

*•.¸♡ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ᴏғ ɴᴀʙᴏᴏ {sᴍʙǫ) ♡¸.•*Where stories live. Discover now