Chapter 15

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"I know. I'm sorry," I apologize.

He covers his face with his hand as a large yawn escapes his mouth. He runs his other hand across his hair, trying to push some hair back. Then he lazily runs his fingers across this front hair setting it down. His auburn locks falling into his eyes.

"So," another yawn escapes his lips as he begins his question. "What brought you here so early in the morning?" The words leave his mouth in an airy tone as they catch the last bit of his yawn.

"Well..." I start but quickly realized I really didn't think the time through. "I had an idea all of the sudden and I didn't want to forget it...and I just ended up running here to tell you." The last part of the sentence comes out broken as I slightly grow shy about showing up all of a sudden. Especially since it is so late at night.

"Than let's talk about it." His tired expression seems to brighten up a bit. A smile forms on his face as he grabs ahold of the door handle. I step back while he steps out to close the door behind him. "Let's talk in the kitchen," I nod my head.

He walks into the kitchen. I place myself in the dining room instead of following him all the way into the other room. I wait for him to come out. He reappears with a large bag of chips.

"Begin," He instructs me. I lean over the table a smile spreading across my face.

"So, if remember correctly you can play the piano. Right?" I ask.

He nods his head while pulling another chip out of the bag. I could hear the crunching sound as he bits half of it off. I lean farther over the table towards the bag, hoping I can get me some chips as well. Before my hand could touch the package he slaps my hand away. I pull back giving him a look.

"My bag! Want your own go get one from the kitchen yourself." He mutters as he pulls the bag towards him, protecting it.

"Why? It's a family size bag," I point at the bag, only making him pull the bag closer.

"So?" He eyes me up and down. I couldn't tell anymore if he was being serious or not.

"Then why grab a family size bag?" My face slightly hardens as it turns into an 'Are you serious face'.

"I get a party bag to up my social skills," he mouths as he takes a bite off of a chip. His actions and answer cause both of us to burst into laughter.

"Are you serious?" I ask while still giggling. He nods his head. "Then maybe you need to try harder."

"I know. That's why I'm eating!" He nearly yells while waving a half-eaten chip in the air.

"Okay. Okay. I'll go get myself a bag," I push myself up out of my seat, but I come to a sudden stop. "If I'm allowed to even touch anything in the kitchen," I mutter. My eyes staring at him.

"Of course," his tone becomes one that sounded like he really trying to say, 'why even ask?'

"Just making sure. Didn't want to get into trouble. Who knows maybe you have a whole stash of party bags that are all meant for upping your social life," I say mocking his words.

"Well of course," He flutters another chip in the air. "But this time I'll let you have some experience being social." I playfully roll my eyes at his dramatic act. I walk into the kitchen and grab me a bag off the counter. This bag too is a party size bag.

I walk back into the dining area and sit down again. I open the bag of chips. The cheesy smell hits my nose as soon as the seal is broken.

"I was thinking. As you said, we should mix our zodiacs together," he nods his head as he stares off in front of him. "Why don't we use Virgo's earthly and nature ability and place it with Aquarius's air and frozen one?" He looks up at me.

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