Something about her...

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I yawn and go outside to find the X-Scaper empty. Still a little concerned from my dream or vision, I rush outside and find April with my friends...

Thankfully, they were all just training and April was teaching them something. I let out a sigh of relief and walk outside. "Hey!", I wave my hand and greet everyone. Maya waves back at me and says, "You seemed to have slept well"

I scratch the back of my head and say, "eh. Could've been better" I shoot a quick glare at April who notices me and chuckles. "So? Any interesting dreams, lately?", she asks, stepping closer with that damn smirk on her face.

I want to slap her.

I resist the urge and say, "nothing much. Random as always" I push past her and walk toward my friends. "Hey, Kaya! Watch this", Boomer chirps, excited. He closes his eyes and bends down. He places one hand on the floor and seems to be straining.

A few seconds later, small rocks start to levitate above the ground by about five inches. "Woah! Are you using Kairu?", I ask, curiously. He opens his eyes and stands up straight. The rocks fall back down and he says, "nope! April taught me how to connect my Kairu to Chi and make it easier to control stuff with!"

I look at April and smile. I say, "impressive. How do you know of Chi?"

April shrugs and says, "well. I came to know of my brother when I went to Japan. I saw this huge monastery on the cliffside and I saw a Redakai member in there"

"You met Master Quantus?", Ky asks. She nods and says, "he taught me some stuff before telling me where Boddai was. After all, it was a reunion. I couldn't just leave him. Sure enough, Boddai had switched monasteries. No wonder I couldn't find him at the old place"

"Boddai had two monasteries?", Boomer asks. "Kinda, yeah. I just thought he'd be back at the old place"

"You know a lot about the Redakai. Were you close to some of them? Did you know about Lokar?", I ask her, leaning close.

She chuckles and says, "of course I do"

I squint and she flicks my forehead. "I'm not with him though. Why would I be?"

I growl and she goes back to my friends. I follow them as she continues to teach them how to find their inner Chi and build a connection between it and their Kairu. I continue to eye her suspiciously as she teaches them but she only smiles back at me.

After a few moments, she looks at me and says, "say, Kahura...I haven't seen you use Chi. Wanna show me what you got?"

"I'll do it if you show me what you've got", I say, falling into a stance immediately. April smiles and falls into the same stance as me. Ky, Maya and Boomer come together and stare at the both of us, intrigued before the fight even began.

April smirks and does a roundhouse kick, sending flames my way. "TIDAL FORCE!", I yell and bend the energy of the Kairu into Chi, rendering her attack useless. I bend the water and slap her down, making her roll on the ground. 

April does a backflip and continues to shoot fireballs my way. I turn the blob of water into whips and whip at the flames, extinguishing them in midair. 

She imitates my move and uses fire whips. I manage to dodge her but she's a little faster than I imagined. She manages to land a hit on me and makes me fall. She uses this to her advantage and fireballs me in the stomach, making me roll backward. 

I get myself back up on my feet and continue to fight. I sigh and wipe the dirt off my cheek. "You're good", I chuckle. "BUT CAN YOU BEAT THIS?!"

I run toward the cliff and close my eyes. I jump off and bend the water from the beach to form a huge wave. I ride on the wave that I created and send it toward the monastery. I jump off once it hits the cliff and bend the massive body of water to hit April. I couldn't see what happened but a while after I hit her, I heard an explosion which sent me flying back onto one of the pillars.

I fall down and open my eyes slightly to see April on the other side, same situation as me. I stand up straight and crack my soul to activate my regeneration. She stands up straight and we walk toward each other. 

"Good fight", I complement her.

"Not too bad, yourself", she says, smiling back.

"Should I help with that?", I ask her, pointing to her wounds. She nods and shrugs. I get what little water I have left from the fight and start to heal her. "April, that was amazing! I didn't know you could control fire too!", Ky says, folding his arms.

"Eh. It takes years of practice"

April smiles at me again and I ask, "what?"

"Nothing. How long have you been practicing?", she asks.

"Ever since I learnt about Chi's existence. So a long time"

I squint at her and the voice in my head asks, "what is up with her? She keeps glancing at you and it's kinda creepy"

"Don't know what it is but I'm not letting her get too close to any of my friends", I respond.

I finish healing April up and she smiles warmly at me. She then stretches a little and says, "you're a good healer! It's like they never even existed~"

I growl at her after she shot me that smirk. If that was a pun, it wasn't funny at all. "Kaya? Can I talk to you?", Ky asks me, concerned. I nod and glare at her before walking away from her.

"What's wrong with you?", he asks me, concerned. "N-Nothing. I just..."

"What?", he asks, cocking his head

"I don't like her. She gives off a weird vibe"

"Why? Because of the argument between you two?"

"It's more than that, Ky. You wouldn't understand"

He lets out a sigh and says, "At least try to get to know her before you make conclusions like that"

I look at his eyes and sigh, "fine. I'll try. But I'm warning you that I'm not ignoring my instincts"

I turn away from him and go down to the watering hole. I need a moment.

As I walk back, my goddess self starts talking again. She says, "They won't understand you unless you prove it to them. You have to show them that April is nuts"

"How?", I ask, leaning against the wall. 

"June 6th isn't too far away. If you can expose her when she'll attack you, they'll have to believe you"

"How is this gonna work?"

"Leave it to me", she says before disappearing again. I sit down and sigh. "I don't like her. Something about her isn't right. And I'll show them that"

I huff and blow my flicks out of my hair. They fall anyway and cover my right eye again. 

Redakai: Gods      Book 3 (RAU)- Trust IssuesWhere stories live. Discover now