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When I was transfering this over, I noticed that a lot of my Ukyo stories are exactly the same. Like, seriously, I was rereading it and I thought I had transferred it over already but NOPE. 

Also, I'm not entirely sure how happy I am with the way Lui is in this fic, but I definitely prefer him in this one to him in Strange But True. Though I did cut out a few things from the AO3 version of this. For example, Lui's panic attack when Free shows up on the TV screen is a lot less intense in the Wattpad version of this fic, and him kissing Ukyo the first time doesn't go on nearly as long. 

I'm not sure if I'll completely redo the ending of Strange But True, since that sounds like a lot of work and I have other things I should be focusing on. If I write a sequel to that, I might just never mention the stabbing thing at all. In a sequel it will be like the stabbing thing never happened. 

And I also had to go through and do ye ole find and replace to make Ruway's name Ren Wu, which got kind of annoying after a while. Lol. The only dub name that isn't proper in this fic is Ukyo's, but 1) I can't stand typing Ukyo with an i, and 2) it's similar enough to the point where I don't think it makes a difference. Ruway to Ren Wu was a change that had to happen. Ukyo's name can stay. 

Anyway, thanks to everyone who reads my Ukyo fics and likes them, because they're super inconsistent and honestly I feel like they're pretty choppy when compared to my other works. I like how I wrote in first person, since I'm usually pretty bad at it, and I think I captured the strangeness of Ukyo pretty well, but for the rest of it, I really am not impressed with myself in the slightest. I don't know, it feels really... stupid, honestly. The plot isn't quite where I want it and as mentioned, I don't like how I turned Lui into a complete yandere.

We'll see what happens, though, since I do like writing with Ukyo and I do think it's pretty lighthearted and amusing (if you ignore Lui, that is). 

Thanks for reading this!

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