7 | Explaining the Basics (1791)

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The next week flew by. I was having so much fun with Yasuko and Natsumi all week that I seriously lost track of time. Over the weekend we stayed over at the Kanda Mansion. Natsumi's parents owned a law firm so, her house was twice the size of mine. Not that I really cared, having a bigger house doesn't make you a bigger person.

I had to lie to my mother when I told her I was staying at a friends house. I couldn't tell her that Natsumi's parents were lawyers because I know she would try and make me mooch off them. So, instead I told her they were really popular in South Africa for inventing something that was really high tech. She ate it up and didn't ask any questions.

Much to my dismay, I left early Sunday morning after spending Friday and Saturday night. As much as I love our chef, I had the best breakfast I have ever had at the Kanda Mansion. If I couldv'e gotten my hands on a recipe I would have taken it back home in a heart beat.

Now it is Monday, I'm on my way to Ouran Academy for what seems like the hundredth time. I already fee very comfortable with the school, and besides Yasuko and Natsumi, I have some acquaintances that I can talk to during class. This place is really starting to warm up to me, but I would never tell father that because then he would make me stay here forever and that does not sound very pleasurable.

This past week, I have not seem Tamaki at all, nor Kyoya come to think of it. I saw a glance of Kyoya on the first day but other than that I've been living a pretty boy-free life. I have mixed feelings towards that.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of the school and I said goodbye and thank you to the driver. I went straight to the usual meet up place that Natsumi decided on that we would go to every morning to walk to class together. It wasn't a very far walk from the front entrance, a couple minutes or so and you are at a huge fountain with a make-shift pond around it. With Yasuko or Natsumi no where in sight, I sat down on the stone ledge and pulled out a book.

I read a chapter, and then another and another. To be fair, the chapters weren't that long but still the girls should have been here by now. I looked up at the huge clock tower only to find that I had exactly five minuets to get to class. Shoving the book back in my bag I rushed off, completely forgetting about Yasuko and Natsumi.

Now, here comes the most cliche thing ever. Half way to class, I ran into someone. Well, more like I bumped shoulders with someone. It wasn't as dramatic as what I've read about, I didn't fall to the ground and the incredibly handsome boy helped me up and then we got married in the epilogue, no. I knocked his bag of his shoulder but I continued to run. I did look back and shout out a "sorry" to find a very dumbstruck looking red head.

As soon as I turned my head back, I ran into someone else. What I'm learning from this experience is to A) never read before class again and B) never look back.

"Ah Jesus Ch-" This guy looked just like the last one. I turned my head to see the first boy was still there, and then in front of me there he was again. Yeah, I'm never reading before class again. I huffed and rubbed my eyes, mumbling another "sorry" as I walked off. No more running for me.

--- --- ---

"Sora!" A familiar voice shouts down the hall. I smile as Natsumi falls into step with me.

"Why exactly did you show up just for last period?" I ask looking down at her. I wasn't much taller than her, it was only by a forehead I say.

"Because at first I wasn't feeling the best this morning, but then one of the maids gave me something to eat and now I'm as chipper as ever! Also, I would have stayed home but then I realized that I wanted to take you somewhere after school today. By the way Yasuko is just getting work from the other teachers, she stayed home with me. We would have invited you bu-" I had to cut her off, she was starting to ramble and I really dislike ramblers.

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