Chapter 22- Fighting Super Buu inside of his body part 1

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

Vegeta, myself and Goku flew towards the 4 pods which had Piccolo, Gohan, Goten and Trunks. Vegeta realizes that Trunk and Goten were separated and he thought that fusion tech doesn't work inside of Buu's head ether. But Goku said "no. not necessarily, it's because their fusion time had timed out" so Vegeta and I agreed on that. Then Vegeta suddenly said "Yes, Buu's thoughts forms did preformed the fusion. Perhaps you're right" then Goku replied "I hope so. We're going to need every avenge we need to stop Buu" and I nodded my head in silence as I held Vegeta's hand.

Goku touched one of the pods and said these are weird and squishy and looks kind of an eggplant. Vegeta then told me and Goku stand aside and its harvest time as he uses his Ki laser beam to cut though the cords of the pod that had Trunks in (top and bottom). As the pod was falling, I caught it in my arms as Goku then used his Ki laser beam to cut the cords of the pod that was holding Gohan. Then I freed Goten with my Ki laser beam as Goku pulled Piccolo's pod free. After freeing the others, I said to the guys that Buu is not Super-Buuhan anymore and is changing back slowly. Vegeta was happy about that and so was Goku. But I was still feeling worried about the situation. Vegeta and Goku were about to blast our way out until I said to them that even though Buu is a lot weaker, we are still no match against him and if we go out there and try to fight him again, he's going to kill us. Vegeta walked over to me and puts one of his gloved hands on my cheek. Until Goku interrupted us by saying "she's right Vegeta, it's a problem alright but there one way we can do this"

I knew what Goku was talking about, Fusion again (but the Fusion Dance) and I know Vegeta won't to agree to it again so he refuses to do it. It's not the Earrings this time, it's the Fusion dance that Trunks and Goten did for their fusion and it only last's for 30 minutes. Still Vegeta refuses because of the poses is not fit for a Saiyan Warrior. Then I stepped in and said to my twin brother that Vegeta is right, we are Saiyans. Goku then replied "but no-one's going to see us and Chrissie won't say anything. Man Vegeta is it that bad?" "We are not ballet dancers, we're warrior fighters" said Vegeta as he turned away from Goku and he spotted something no- someone. In a pod is the real Majin Buu in his normal form. Vegeta and Goku were confused about this but I know want happened so I said "guy's, I can read his mind" they went okay but be careful, Chrissie. I nodded as I put one of my hands on Majin Buu's head and the other to my head. I closed my eyes as I contrasted as I saw the memory of the real Buu (good) and the fake Buu (evil) and it also showed how Buu got absorbed inside of his body.

After that, I almost collapsed into Vegeta's arms as he and Goku asked me if I was okay and I nodded for yes. So I told them about the memory and Goku said "wow, so there really were 2 Majin Buu's, a nice one and a mean one as I nodded for yes there was. Until Vegeta said the old and ugly one is the bad one. And all the sudden we saw Super Buu was inside of his own body which was somehow weird. Super Buu looked very angry because the three of us (Vegeta, me and Goku) haven't been absorbed and we were tapering with his so called people pods.

Vegeta told me to get behind him, so I did as we all turned Super-Saiyan as Goku looked at Vegeta madly just because Vegeta crushed his Earring instead putting it in his pocket. I told Goku to shut up and fight Buu as Vegeta nodded in agreement. I looked over at Buu and he wouldn't stop looking at me with his evil smile.

So I aimed my Ki orb at him, threw it at him, but it went through him and made a hole in his head so we can escape as soon as we were done with Buu. As Super Buu was laughing, Vegeta and Goku turned Super Saiyan while I transformed into my Angel form, we flew past Buu to circling him until Buu grabbed Vegeta and Goku by their chins and then threw them in different dictions. Vegeta landed on me on the left and Goku was thrown to the right. All Buu did was yawn and laughed. As Goku was flying at Buu, me and Vegeta flew upwards abit. Buu tried to do the same dodge like before, but we all dodged his grab.

"Pick-a-boo" said Goku as he kneed Buu in his stomach, "we see you" said Vegeta and I as we stomped our Saiyan boots into Buu's face before jumping off. Goku was just about to throw a Ki ball at Buu, Buu disappears as me and Vegeta ran towards Goku and Vegeta said "what? He's getting away". But out of nowhere, Buu came back and grabs Vegeta by his head and bangs him off of Goku's head (leaving in pain holding his head), which left Vegeta asking "what just hit me?" Buu throws Vegeta down before coming after me with a sick grin on his lips and said "well, one pop and their both down. That's using your heads, boys" before grabbing me by my Dark, Blue hair with a tight grip. "Vegeta, let's shut him up" I heard Goku say before flying upwards, aiming their boots at Buu's face and hit Buu right in his weird looking face of his to get him to let go of my hair and sends Buu flying backwards away from me.

Vegeta and Goku then stood in the same position (like cheek to cheek) to fire a Final Kamehameha at Buu and the energy ball hit Buu exploding him. After that, Vegeta asked Goku if he could out of the rest the fight while we all did the cleaning of Buu's parts by using our Ki laser beams. After doing that, I felt bad for Vegeta to do the Saiyan cheek to cheek combat unit we heard a noise from Buu laughing before making a knock-knock joke which I ignored. Buu then respawning behind us but Goku and Vegeta took him out with their lasers and Buu just keeps on laughing driving me crazy. Buu just keeps on laughing, disappearing and respawning. Vegeta was getting even angrier because Buu was driving him crazy. As Buu was laughing, Vegeta fired a Ki ball at him which made Buu's head go off, but Buu just keeps on spawning everywhere which was driving Vegeta crazy. Seeing Buu everywhere, Vegeta then fired some Ki balls but they weren't aiming at Buu, they were aimed at the pods (which had Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo), Goku shouted the pods but I managed to shielded the pods with my shield power and Ki balls just disappeared into the shield, Goku gave me a thumbs up for protecting the pods. I lowered the shield and ran over to Vegeta to hug him to calm him down. "Vegeta honey, Buu's doing this on purpose. We can't let him get to us and we need to keep our cool for Trunks sake. It's the only how we're going to be able to beat him. A Saiyan warrior must stay remain enticed" I said to him calmly as I put my hands on his shoulders. "Krysta, you're right my love. Thank you and I love you too much" Vegeta replied as I kissed him on his lips to make him calm down as Buu is ticking and tocking like a clock and Goku fires a yellow Ki beam at Buu and was gone. "Brother, you did it" I said to Goku, "yeah, there's daylight and it's our ticket out of here" followed Vegeta. Until Buu's face shows up in the hole. Vegeta put me behind him as Buu says "I'm afraid that our little game is over, now all of you can be a part of me". On the other side, Buu's arm shows up with a fist, punches us and fires his own Ki ball at us, splitting us up.

Goku landed on his own and on one side of Buu's head while I landed with Vegeta on the other side and knocking us out. Some red liquid stuff (the tissue) was heading towards us while something of Buu's head holding Vegeta and me down. The red tissue was beginning to engulf us to make us a part of Majin Buu.

Goku's POV

After being punched by Majin Buu, I managed to open my eyes and see my Twin sister, Chrissie and her Husband, my Friend, Vegeta are going to be engulfed by the red tissue if I don't reach them in time, or they will be a part of Buu.

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