And So It Begins

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Hana's pov:

We fought the remainder of the day and several hours into the night.
I lost many Yokai from my clan but...Kubinashi was greatly injured and now I am currently sitting outside the Tono groups infirmary waiting for news. I should be in there helping, no one wanted me in there, that's the kind of feel I got.
Then again who can blame them, I started all this, I managed to kill Kyo and Jai (Kyo's animal companion) I took Jai's fur as a prize.

But Kubinashi got in the way, he was trying to stop me from unnecessarily being violent, I had begun to lose myself , I think he was trying to protect me and Rikuo in a way. Preventing Rikuo from seeing my nature in battle and stopping me from doing something he knew I would regret.

That' he was injured.
I couldn't control myself not even in front of the people I love...

It was my fault someone I cared about got hurt...


I looked up to see Rikuo with his arms folded across his chest, looking down at me.
"Rikuo, how is Kubinashi?"
"He'll live"
There was silence between us, I need to thank him.

"Thank you ,for bringing me help back there" I said
"I love you, you are the only one I hold dearest to me I couldn't just stand by and watch you face that guy alone" He exclaimed as he slid down the wall next to me.
"Rikuo I would do the same for you"
Another silence was upon us...

"I'm sorry, you saw me didn't you..."

"I did"

"I'm sorry if it wasn't for me Kubinashi wouldn't be hurt, I am weak I couldn't control my own bloodlust, I am weak leader and a pathetic Yokai and-"

The next thing I knew Rikuo's lips were on mine and we looked each other in the eyes, and I began to feel tears in my eyes.

Rikuo pulled away and wrapped his arms around me holding me close into his chest as if he was afraid I might disappear, I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't here, I snuggled further and Rikuo's chest and let him hold me, while he gently whispered to reassure me, while stroking my hair.

I loved this man so much, I couldn't believe I had him, I didn't deserve him at all.

"Rikuo?" I pulled away from him and looked at him in the eyes.

"If it wasn't for your grandfather Nurarihyon...I wouldn't be alive here today" I almost wanted to run there and then and then I wouldn't have to face rejection.
"I know"
"What! He told you everything?"
"Yeah before we left, it doesn't bother me I love you and that's it, I don't care about your past I love you as you are now" He said as he pulled me closer to him again. There was something developing inside me, almost a need for him, I felt as if I needed to be around him all the time, I felt so empty without him near me.


About a little later we went into the infirmary to see Kubinashi, he was badly beat up and we knew scars would be left in places but he would be okay....that I was thankful for.

Rikuo and myself decided to make our way back to the cabin to get some rest, we had decided to share my cabin since our confessions to each other, neither of us wanted to be apart, the want to be together was so strong I have never felt anything like this before.

When I was sure what remained of my clan who arrived had a place to stay for the night ,we then began to head back to the cabin.
When Itaku crossed our path.

"I have to apologise Itaku for using your land as fighting turf" I said.
"It's fine, about the training you requested , I now assume you wish for your whole clan to train here?"
"If it would not be to much trouble, we will take them deep into the mountains if you wish"
"No, you may use our training grounds, but if you don't mind could you train in the mountains? If it's not to much to ask, you see some of the elders think it would be unwise for you to train so close to the village" There it was even my own kind were afraid of my bloodlust.
"I understand, we shall take a few days to recuperate then begin" I summarised and began to walk away with Rikuo hand in hand.

"Hey Itaku" Rikuo shouted back behind us caused us to come to a halt. 

"You really got that leader thing nailed haven't you" He said
Itaku simply smirked and looked at us and said;
"I am nobody's leader"

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now