Is It Over?

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But this darkness in front of my eyes was a warm one...
It was fear.
Rikuo's fear.

It wrapped itself around me and when I looked down, it had prevented a dagger from entering my body.

"I said we'd beat him together didn't I?"

I looked behind me to see Rikuo walking back towards me. He was weakened from what I did to him, I could tell and I felt such an innate need to protect him and he was doing the same for me.


"Are you alright Hana? I thought I sensed something up here when I left, so I extended my fear to protect you until I got back here"


I walked over to him and stood as close to him as I could, so we were touching and I drew my sword and allowed my fear to rise around me.

Rikuo dispersed his fear so we had a direct line of sight to our attacker, but I felt his arm around my waist, protectively...

"Well, I see the great Mitenhana Liren is with the Nura more ways than one..."

It was him...
Ksuigami Fugitana, with his clan.
I'm ending this...

I stepped forwards...

"Hana, I know this is something you need to do, I'm here for you" Rikuo whispered to me, slipping his hand into mine, I held it tightly.

"What if I can't control my fear, what if I lose control again and hurt you?" I asked him worried.

"You can do this you have come so far with it, I'll be here if you lose control, you won't hurt anyone, I promise"
"I trust you, Rikuo your cuts and bruises..."

As I said this they were healing themselves quickly.

"I can feel then healing, it almost feels as if...I'm drawing energy...from you"

"But how's that possible?"

"I'm not sure but let's focus on the this battle, I've called for reinforcements they should be here any moment"

Rikuo seemed ready for a fight, I felt bad for dragging the Nura clan into my problems but I wouldn't have got to see Rikuo again, and I was so glad I did...

I think I have found the love of my life.

I looked at my opponent and his clan gradually forming around him but as I was Rikuo's reinforcements arrived and soem were clan leaders with their clans from back home, I looked at Rikuo's and we may not have the quantity but we sure do have the quality!

"Alright are you all ready?" Rikuo asked his clan, as he raised his sword ready for battle.

They all looked ready for action, it seemed it had been a while since they had seen battle...

"Stay close to me Hana..." I heard Rikuo say to me reluctantly letting go of my hand.
"I will..."

And we attacked...

It went on for hours and hours but eventually we started making progress...

We had defeated many of our enemies, a lot were weak yokai who had clearly latched onto Fugitani for power.

Kai, Kaito's animal companion had shown up to help and pecked a few eyes out but he was slashed down, much to my despair.
We had the upper hand now and I was about to land the finishing blow to Fugitana, he was wounded so he was slower, making it fairly easy to get him on the ground, I disarmed and stood on him, keeping him in place for a moment.

I looked around for Rikuo and he was preoccupied battling several yokai, I managed to extend my fear through my webs to stab two of the yokai about to sneak up behind him just as he slashed down the ones he was currently dealing with, he was then on his way over to me.

I suddenly felt something on my ankle and saw Fugitana grabbing my ankle hard.

"Get off you parasite!" I kicked him and he didn't let go for a while until he just suddenly seemed to give up and smirk.

That bastard.

I then stood over Fugitana  and put two daggers through each of his hands to hold him down, to which he shouted in pain.

"You murdered my clan and my parents so now you'll get what you deserve!" I spat at him 

"You don't know what your doing, my clan will help me!" He was begging, this is what I wanted to see the monster who caused me so much pain for years was about to die by my hand.

"Your clan? Their already dead or running for their lives..."

Then I ended it, straight through his neck and I pulled my sword out so he suffered, bleeding to death.

I watched him until he was dead...

And I couldn't believe it was over I was so happy, but my entire clan was gone...

At least I confirmed it was him that killed my clan, I didn't want to have to deal with another enemy...

I didn't want to know his reasons for causing me so much misery, it wouldn't have made a difference to me.

I still would have killed him...

By this time Rikuo had made his way over to me, with their leader dead the enemy was retreating and Rikuo ordered everyone to execute the remainder of the enemy trying to run.

He pulled me straight into a hug and held me tight, we were both covered in blood but neither of us cared.

We just held each other close, it was in this moment I realised how tired I was, I had been running on adrenaline this whole time.
"It's over now Hana you can rest now..."I heard Rikuo whisper to me

Almost as if his sweet words were a trigger, my legs gave way as all the energy I had before left me and I felt myself being lifted off my feet...

I began to feel my eyes close...

I truly do love this yokai....

~Love With A Risk~Rikuo Nura (Yokai Side)~Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now