Riverdale High💫❤️

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Today is y/n's  first day in Riverdale and Monday she starts  at  Riverdale high. It's currently 12:30 pm and Jughead has to go up to the school to give Y/n a tour. Jughead was pretty curious about who this girl was. At 1:00 He was waiting outside Riverdale High and he soon sees a car pull up and a beautiful girl gets out.
Jughead - "Hey I'm Jughead you must be Y/n"
Y/n-" Nice name *giggles* yea I'm y/n"
Jughead-"well it's nice to meet you let's go inside"
Y/n-" nice to meet you to let's go"

Y/n's POV:
As Jughead was giving you a tour you were just admiring him he's perfect and he seems like such a great guy you didn't think you were ever gonna be happy after moving but Jughead changed that

Jugheads POV:
Y/n is so beautiful I didn't think I could get over Betty so soon but y/n just seems so perfect I think I'm going to ask her on a date I feel like that's fair to me since Betty is off trying to find new love I'll do the same and I think I just found who my new love might be the conversation we're having makes us seem so alike there's nothing about her that I would change
End of POV
Jughead-"sorry y/n but I have a question"
Y/n-"ofc what is it"
Jughead-"would you like to go on a date with me!?"
Y/n: "yes ofc🥰❤️"

End of story sorry it's so bad but I'm trying if you have suggestions on who and what I should do next comment,vote,and follow 💫❤️love all my supporters

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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