Just Another Day

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Peter sat in his first period class, tapping his pencil against the desk as he leaned against the window, staring out at the snow that came down lightly. He waited in boredom for his class to start.

"Hey?" Peter snapped out of his trance to see his best friend, Gwen, backpack draped over one shoulder.

"Hey, uh, sorry." he laughed and pushed his glasses back up off the brim of his nose.

"Ha ha, it's good, so, you okay? You've been seeming pretty down." She smiled.

Peter paused for a minute, looking down at his pencil as it rolled of the desk. "Yeah..I guess, I've just been, kinda, bored. Ya know?"

"Yeah I get it, any, hero stuff up?"

"Not really, with all of the rallies and vigilante propaganda I've been trying to get out of the public eye, I just, wish, I wasn't the only one.." He teared up a bit but hid it from the woman stood above him.

"Oh, worm, it'll be okay...but, I gotta get going." She patted his back.

"Ah yeah, get to class." He waved her off, she hesitated a moment, but headed off. Peter's head fell onto his desk, he tried to keep the tears from flowing out his hazel eyes. The loneliness overwhelmed him, he was so alone, alone, even Gwen couldn't help him. No one could. No one had freak powers like him, no one was a spider boy, no one was like him, he was the only one. Sure he felt special at first, like a hero, like he was helping..but now, now, he was a burden on society that no one understood, that no one trusted.

The bell rang and Peter's head shot up from its place in his arms. He pulled his books out of his desk, he was over being edgy and ready to start the day.

Class carried on as usual. "Peter, see me after class brother." Mr.Retro said as he stood up and looked in the full sized mirror starring at his dummy thicc ass. "Hot Damn.

At the end of class Peter came up to Mr.Retro sheepishly.

"You wanted to talk?" He shyly asked.

"Hmm yes I know who you are brother." he seemed to not be phased by his statement at all.

"Uh, w..what? what do you mean?" he was in utter shock.

"Dude, you're fuckin spiderman brother, we been knew." he handed him a box.

"W..what? No, I'm not, what are you talkin about?" he started to peel the lid off of the box.

"Don't open it till you're home. Also brother, its pretty fuckin obvious bighead the only thing I ain't dumb." he paused. "Now shoo." he waved him away. What the fuck?

The day continued on as normal, nothing strange, nothing new. Peter was clueless to what was about to happen next.

Spiderman x Elsa - Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now