It'll be Okay

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It was the end of the day, school over, class over. Everyone heading home, heading to their loved ones, to the people who understood them. He started to walk home, skipping the bus yet again.
As he walked around, he seemed to doze off, into another world. Like he was watching himself walk through the city from a far off point of view, like he was watching a movie. Nothing felt real. When he came back down to ground he realized he had gotten lost. He was in a practically deserted part of town, year old graffiti covered the buildings and trash lay about the gutters.

Suddenly, a streak of light whizzed past him which cause him to spin cartoonishly. As he regained his balance, he shot a web up to one of the buildings to find out who this mysteriously supercharged being was. He looked down at the zigzagging bright blue trail that was left behind the figure. He was too tired to chase after them so he sat and watched the electric path fade away. But, suddenly, the zigzagging path started returning, it came closer, and closer, and closer. And then even closer, then they were below him, then they were running up the side of the building. Peter stood up, clearly frightened, the blue light ran past him, Peter was hit, he was knocked off of the empty concrete apartment building, he swung to another rooftop and started running. The light was chasing him, they were gaining on him, he was hit again, but kept his balance this time. Again he was punched, he could almost feel the energy pulsing through his nerves. Run, just keep running.

Hit again and again, they knew who he was, they knew he was Spider man, shit. The streak of light ran past again, Peter felt blood pouring down his cheek. He stopped running, he felt the knife sliding across his flesh, tearing his skin open. The warm liquid pouring out of him. He attempted to throw a punch at the light but he missed. Punch, miss, punch, miss, punch, miss. Slash, hit, slash, hit. Slash hit punch miss slash hit punch miss hit miss hit miss hit miss. Then he started running, whoever this was, they were too fast, impossibly fast. He didn't know how  to get away. He could run up buildings, Peter thought long and hard. Water, he would be at a disadvantage. This person could run up buildings so the city is pointless, trees could work, forest? But who knows they could at an advantage in the forest, but he's clearly living in the city, and knows his way around this area, so that is doubtful. The best bet to get away is the forest. Peter started swinging off towards the closest shrubbery, he was hit again, in the head this time, he was dizzy, vision blurry, but he kept running, faster. His nose was dripping blood, sweat down his forehead, the blue blur pushed on, back and forth behind him. As he reached the edge of the city, closer to forest and then, the last building against the trees, and he jumped, foreword, into the leaves, arms flailing as he ran through the air. Falling into the branches, they scratched his face and torso, irritating the cuts made prior. He fell through the thick canopy, almost, gracefully, he landed on the ground and kept running. Tears ripped through his skin, flowing backwards to his ears as he ran, and just kept running, and running. His tunnel vision closed in, he could barely see, and just, kept, running. And then. Nothing.

Peter woke up. His face was covered in dirt and blood. He sat up slowly as a sharp pain whipped through his back. He looked around, morning time. He lifted his finger to his lip and pulled it away to see nothing but red upon it. Shit. His hair was mangled and dirty, his clothes were torn and covered in a million substances, half of which Peter couldn't even identify. He stood up, and hobbled slowly back towards the city.

Another night lost, another night he spent beat up and on the streets, or in the dirt. He got home, Aunt May was gone already, he was late for school, he changed clothes and splashed water on his face, but it did nothing. He gripped his stomach and his knees buckled beneath him, and he threw up.

Aunt May came home to find Peter passed out in the bathroom, knees against his chest leaning against the cabinets, he was covered in throw up and the bags under his eyes seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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