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"Don't get nervous.I'm with you."Xavier squeezed my hand in assurance which where shaking terribly.

"I don't feel good going inside Mr.Hunt."I uttered fully facing him but not meeting his eyes.

"Look at me Bela."I finally had courage to look into his eyes.I flashed care,kindness and... love?

"You won't be alone inside Bela.Why am I here with you?To support you.To protect you.The same way you always do to me.To comfort you."He carressed my cheek.

I nodded continously."Thank you."I tried smiling.

"Let's get going then."He said kissing my forehead.

I opened my side of car door making my way to the front door.

"Hello Isabella.How are you love?"Julia shouted with lots of excitement.

Where is this coming from?

"Hello Julia."I muttered.

"Oh who is this handsome young man here with you?"She was all blushing.No-No old lady not good.

"He is my boss Xavier Hunt."I introduced.

"Oh my god Xavier Hunt."Nicole's chirpy voice came from behind."You are so handsome in real.Oh why are you married this is so unfair?"She huffed.

"Behave Nicole."Dad came from living area."Hello Isabella and you must be her boss."Dad eyed Xavier.

"That would be me."Xavier shook hand with hand with dad.

Just then doorbell rang."That must be Muller."Dad said.

"Why not go to living room?"Julia interrupted.

"I smell something fishy."Xavier whispered in my ears.I too feel it.

"Julia please come with me."Dad waved me to follow him.

"What did you want to tell me dad?"I asked as we went to his study.

"Sit down Isabella.This is Muller Miller CEO of Muller company."He gestured toward the man who looked almost to my dad's age.

"Hello Mr.Miller."I greeted.

"Oh you can call me Muller my love."He took my hand and kissed a sloppy kiss.

He does not give me good vibes.

"The thing is that Mr.Miller and I were negotiating on merger of the company and he proposed marriage with my daughter."He said but this was not it.

"Get to the point dad."I glared at him.

"I want you to accept the marriage proposal."He sighed.

"With him?"I shouted pointing him.


"Are you mad?"I was seeing all red.

"See Isabella you are eldest among all my three daughters so it is your obligation to follow it."He said.

"Fifteen days dad.I am fifteen days older than Nicole and Natasha.And don't forget they are not your child."I yelled.

"Isabella."He yelled back."They all are my children."He huffed.

"Yeah right.They are your children and I'm not."I'm just business deal to you.If you didnot have this marriage thing you would have forgotten my existence.I thought you loved me."That's it I'm losing it.

"I still love you Bela."He pleaded.

"Stop.You are not allowed to say Bela to me and you don't love me."I gritted my teeth.

"Isabella listen to me.It is for your good-"I interrupted.

"Marrying the man as old as your father is for my own good,Is it?"I laughed.I laughed histerically clapping both my hands.I'm sure I'm losing my sanity with this family.

"Bela."I hear Xavier's voice."We are leaving now."Xavier announced entrying the room.

"You are not taking my daughter anywhere."Dad ordered.

"With due respect Mr.Cloe I'm taking your daughter and she is not coming here anymore in future.I also heard about your sick contract.For little peace of your mind start working your ass of from now onwards rather than selling your daughter and from today onwards she has nothing to do with you as you have showed your true colors.She is an independant woman and she doesnot need you to rely on and I will make sure you all pay what you sow.You are all ruined."He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house.

I was crying loud with all my heart.Why life is so miserable?Why me?Why me out of all?

Suddenly I was engulfed in tight hug."You are not alone Bela.They won't show their face infront you I promise."He assurred.

I think I need not worry.I have him.I'm not alone.I will pass this misery with him.

IN LOVE WITH MARRIED BOSS ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now