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Isabella POV

"Billionaire Xavier Hunt is yet again seen fighting while drunk and getting kicked out of the club. This is the eighth time he has been kicked out of any club from the past two months. He was left with severe bruises and fractured his right hand. Lately, he has been in headlines because of his sudden change of lifestyle. Sources said he was deeply involved with his ex-assistant that her vanishment has brought chaos in his life. "

"On the other hand, the shares of Hunt industries is declining every ticking second. With the downfall of CEO himself, the company is having a hard time to rise. With this rapid drop, it is not hard to believe the insolvency is nearer than imagined."

I switched the television off. It has been two months that I left Xavier. It has been two months that he was clubbing, getting drunk and into fights. He looked thinner than before and careless than ever. Not being by his side was getting harder every second. 

Claire said he would come to my office every day to check up on me. Even if he had hungover or fight he would visit my office asking Claire about my whereabouts. Sometimes she felt petty on the poor soul, the other time she felt pissed off of his stubbornness. Every day she kept me updated of his life and truly it was getting out of hands. He was becoming rebellious every other day. 

I was dying to be with him just to stop him from all this chaos, to protect him from everybody. But here I am at an isolated town where I do not have any single friend. It's just me and my broken heart trying to heal but watching Xavier break more than me is killing me inside.

It is forcing me to rethink about my decision. I thought I did right to everybody but could I be wrong entirely? Nothing was coming in the right place. Xavier was losing himself day by day. He was losing his empire every other second. He was hurting himself for my foolishness, GOD! How can I be so foolish? I was trying to make everything better but what did I get? It further broke the person I cared, the person I loved and still love to core.

Taking me out of trance suddenly my phone rings. "Yes, Claire. "

"Please see the breaking news, Bela." She ended the call in a hurry.

What must have really happened now?

"Breaking News reportedly the CEO of Hunt Industries was caught in a severe car accident in a highway. The witness said the car was above the speed limit and lost it's control leading to hit the truck coming from the opposite direction. The car is crushed badly and chances of getting out him alive are narrow to impossible. For further update-"   I shut down the television again.

No this can't be happening. He cannot die. Please wait for me, Xavier. I was breaking apart into pieces.  Please stay alive.

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