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Xavier POV

"How can you not find that son of a bitch? It has already crossed eighteen hours and you are telling me he disappeared all of a sudden? Do you even know my girlfriend is still inside that ICU being treated? If I don't get any information about John Travis until the sunsets, I will make sure no one breathes in relief." I yelled at all the police officers and investigators.

"Mr. Hunt we are trying our best." One the officer spoke.

"But you can't manage to find him till now." I huffed.

"Calm down son, you can't lose your patience right now." Dad advised from behind.

"What about Alexia, Where is she right now?" I asked him.

"We haven't seen her after Isabella was rushed to the hospital." Dad said.

"Let me call her." I dialed her cell phone but could not reach. "Switched off." I muttered.

"Do you think anything could be wrong?" The officer asked.

"Track Alexia's last location, she was the one who told Isabella about her father's plan." I ordered. 

"RIght away." The officer said and took his leave.

"Son, Why don't you eat something now?" Dad asked.

"Later dad." I muttered.

"You know Isabella said the same thing when you had the accident three months ago." He tried cheering me up.

"How can I eat anything dad when Bela is fighting with life and death, even if the bullet is taken out she took the bullet near her heart. It is killing me inside dad, what if she does not wake up? What if I lose her forever?" I broke down again.

"If Isabella was at your place she would never lose her hope, she would be praying every second and I too want you to have faith on her and more on yourself. Everything will be fine." Dad adviced.

"I am sorry dad I cannot be as patient as Isabella or you, I want my love back as soon as possible. This time if anything happens to her I will surely die."

"Don't say such thing Xavier." Dad scolded me. 

Just then the phone call interrupted both of us.  "Hello?" 

"Well! Well! How is my ex-son-in-law doing?" The voice came from other side making my blood boil.

"You rascal, How dare you-" I was interrupted by his laughter.

"Aww, poor son-in-law grieving for his love? I had warned her not to fool around you but she does not get it, does she? Now she is paying what she sowed." He laughed.

"What the hell is your problem?" I shouted.

"Problem? Oh yeah! Last time I remember I have not benefited a penny out of your divorce or my previous merger?" 

"Alexia was the one that decided she did not want anything." I gritted my teeth.

"That dumb girl knows nothing and look where she is right now. She is not even worth a penny with that damaged organs but see I bagged her in one million." He laughed again.

"You leech, you sold your own daughter?" I shouted.

"Stepdaughter." He chuckled. "Or I might add pawn for my luxury." 

"How can my dad never knew your nature?" I rubbed my forehead.

"Oh! That old man is too good for himself. Two drops of fake tear and he forgives everything." 

"Come to the point you bastard, what do you want?" 

"One billion cash." He announced.

"Are you insane?" I shouted.

"Oh, I'm not. I am totally sane but I might have someone precious to yours." 

"What did you do this time?" I clenched my fist.

"Remember you were going to be a father but your daughter died? Well, I might have corrupted the nurse and faked her death." He chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh my innocent son-in-law, your daughter is alive and she is with me."

"What?" I was shaking in anger.

"Oliva Xavier Hunt, born at December twenty, 2018,  exactly at quarter to ten, weighing eight pounds and twenty ounces, light brown hair and hazelnut eyes. Clicked something?" 

"I will kill you bastard." I shouted again.

"You can't my son-in-law." He laughed. "Get my money ready and don't you dare involve the police in this matter or else your daughter is next in line to go to heaven. Till then wait for my call son-in-law." He cut off the call.

I shouted in agony. "What happened Xavier?" Dad asked. 

"My daughter, she-she is alive and-and John Travis has her. He said he wants one billion in return and- and no police involvement. He-He has even sold Alexia somewhere dad. What kind of devil is he? Can you believe it?" I muttered.

"We will get your daughter back Xavier. You will have both of your girls." He said.

"My daughter is alive dad. My daughter was alive all this time and we didn't know anything. I want my daughter back dad. I want both of my girls back." I cried hugging him tightly.

What kind of unfortunate man was I? I was losing everything bit by bit. 

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