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"Ladies and gentlemen I highly appreciate your presence in our joyous moment.I am thankful to all the employees that worked day and night to crack this deal and not just this but every deal we get.You are all the pillar of our company.Hopefully I have not compromised to fulfill any of your needs and feel free to come to me if required any.Ending my speech enjoy the evening but don't be late for work tomorrow morning.Cheers."Xavier ended the speech.

Everyone was looking forward for the night and why not it was afterall one of the biggest deal to our company.

"Enjoying yourself Bela."Xavier tapped my shoulder.

"Yes."I nodded.

"Thank you."He said looking directly towards me.

"For what?"I asked.

"Everything.For this grand night,for the deal,for all previous deals,for taking care of me from foods to medicine to clothes to shoes to gifts and lastly.....our baby."He whispered making me blush as he caressed   my cheek.

"Baby here you are my dad wanted to talk with you.If...you are not busy."Alexia interrupted us.

"Excuse-me."He muttered excusing himself.

"Hello Miss Assistant enjoying the night?"I nodded."Well you should.Afterall I heard you are resigning soon."I nodded again.

"Waiter."She gestured and picked two glasses of wine giving me one.

"I don't drink."I rejected.

"Oh how cool is that and here I am addictated to alcohol."She sighed and gulped both the glass of wine and started to empty all in the tray.

"You should not drink so much Mrs.Hunt."I tried taking glass from her hand.

"Let me drink assistant you can't intrude in every matter that concerns me."She pushed me hard making me fall in ground.

Everyone gasped following pin drop silence.

"What's going on here?"Xavier's voice boomed.

"Darling she was refraining me from drinking and ... she fell down."Alexia slurred.

How much exactly had she drink before calling Xavier.

"Are you alright Bela?"Xavier picked me up from the ground and checked from top to bottom remaining his eyes more towards my stomache.I nodded.

"Are you insane Alexia?You are wasted.Why would you drink so much?"He jerked her by arms.

"Let me celebrate the party Xavier.I have not had any for two whole weeks because of that bloody counselling."She slurred.

"You are nothing but embarrassment in my life."He hissed.

"I am your wife Xavier."She shouted.

"Well sorry to pop up your bubble but you are my wife just in papers.Until last week you didn't even know I was allergen with mushroom and seafood.You still don't know single thing about me.You are nothing but stranger to me."He barked.

I could feel everyone whispering within themselves.I did not want them criticizing Xavier.

"Xavier."I kept hand on his shoulder making him calm.

"No Bela you are not going to calm me down in this matter.I know your ways."He said turning towards me.

"Xavier Please."I was all tears in fear.He was going out of hands.

He took me in his arms all of a sudden and soothed me."Please don't cry."He whispered and kissed on my head.

"Xavier everyone is watching us."I tried freeing me but he held me tight.

"Let them watch."He hushed and dragged me towards the balcony.

"Why would you hug your assistant leaving your wife all drunk?"I whispered.

"Because she is mother to my child."He whispered making me blush.

I slapped his chest."Enough, take Alexia home.She might have low resistance because she  had not drink for two weeks."I caressed his arms.

"Why are you always nice to everyone Bela?"He asked in amusement.

"Don't forget she is still your wife Mr.Hunt legally or not."I hissed.

"Soon Bela soon."He sighed.

"What?"I asked him.

"Everything will come to it's place." He replied.

And that lit little bit of hope inside me.The hope to see him everyday with me beside me.A girl can always dream even if they can't be real.Right?

IN LOVE WITH MARRIED BOSS ✔✔Where stories live. Discover now