Why Me??

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*Still Mickayla's P.O.V*

When i opened the door there stood the SEXY GOD aka Cole. "Hi" he smiled at me. My mouth was still open. Jessica cames up and closes my mouth "Your welcome" she walks away and sits screaming 'SKITTLES GIVE'EM TO ME C'MON GIVE'EM UP I WANT EM' Cole lifted up an eyebrow trying not to laugh.  I looked at him then put my hand over my face. "Please don't ask" i said still covering my face. He chuckled. "Trust me i'm used to it" I peaked at him through my fingers. "Oh where are my manners i'm sorry come in" i moved a side he came in and everything got silent except for Jessica smashin on some skittles. I walked in where the girls were. Nobody said a word except Jess who broke the ackward silence. "Who is you??" The other girls just stared at him. " Oh i'm Cole-OH MY GOBLINS YOU'RE THE GUY KAYLA WAS TALKING ABOUT" Jess interrupted him. Rude Much.

" Jessica STRAWBERRYS!!!!!!!!!!" a.k.a STFU. He looked over at me smirking. "What was she saying" i cocked up an eyebrow. "OH you know that your cute, Sex God, she was swooning so bad like 'Oh my gosh he was like a God Oh my god' and What's your name again?" I look over at him from my side view. Maybe if i just back up slowly to the door they won't notic-"Kayla where ya goin" i stopped and looked at Amanda smiling. "Yeah Kayla where ya goin?" i looked at Cole. "Jessica shut up and go get some skittles"  she shrugged and jumped "OKAIII!!!!" She walked out pushing me towards the Most Beautiful creation i ever seen standing beside me. "So um that's um A-Amanda, Brittney, Kayla a.k.a K.V. and the one who just left was Jessica" i said whiping my sweaty palms on my onesie. He was about to say something but his phone went off. "Sorry i have to go....we should hang out tonight like my friends with you guys.." I nodded "Sounds good um we'll meet in the lobby??" i looked down nervous as ever. "Um...How about i'll text you when we're gonna meet." He gave me his phone and i gave him mine. "I'll see you later" i couldn't say anything. I just nodded again. "Bye" i waved back at him. As soon as he left i heard 'Ooos' i put my back against the door and slid down. "He was fine as hell" i heard K.V. swoon. "You guys are so embarassing" I put my hands over my face. "Hey it should be Jessica who embarassed you not us." I looked at Brittney. Jess is so dead when she comes back. If she deosn't get lost wich by the way she should be back by now "Guys maybe she's lost she should've been back by now, don't you think?" I said "try calling her" Brittney said i pulled out my phone and tried calling her but it went to voice mail

Jessica's POV

Okay im offically lost FRICK i start doing cartwheels in the hall what?? I'm lost better  make the best of it right? i can't even call Kayla my phone died stupid bish i forgot my SKITTLES  so i run down the hall screaming "SKITTLES I FORGOT MY SKITTLES" as im running down the hall i run into a really hard wall well i think it was a wall i look up and see a FRICKIN SEX GOD in front of me (sex god to the side david im5) "Ummm who is you and why are you so HOT?" He looked down at me and laughed. "I'm sorry i didn't see you there" he held a hand out for me to grab. i grabbed it and he pulled me up. "WHOA!!!.....Annnnnnnd you still didn't answer my question Bruh!" i looked at me "What question" i mentally rolled my eyes at him. "I asked you why are you so Hot"

He looked down and chucled "Well i don't know ...my parents maybe?" i nodded. "Well i prais them for making you cause DAYUM!!" He looked down blushing a little. "Awe is someone blushing" he shook his head and looked back up at me. "What's your name" i looked around dumbly and scratched my head. "Me?" i pointed to my-self. "No the person behind you" knowing me i looked behind me. It took me a minute to notice he used sarcasum. "Ohhhhhhh me well my name is Captin Unicorns of the Rainbow Carribean Sea" he cocked an eyebrow. "What" "It's Jessica bruh" i looked at him like he was stupid. "Well i'm David"

"So uh why are you um" he motioned around the hall. "Oh i'm lost so i was like what the heck minds well go Dora the Expolarer minus the map and find the path to mee treasure of a life time" he looked at me lost. "Skittles god don't you know skittles is life" i said in a duh tone. "Ohhhh i coud've figured since 1. Your wearing a raindow onesie and you were screaming about Skittles" now i felt like my cheeks were melting. "Oh you heard that?" he nodded. "I'm pretty sure everybody did." I scratched my head ackwardly "How you know it was me it coud have been Jesus or Casper the Friendly ghost" i made my point even though we ALL know that's not possible but DON'T KILL MY VIBE!.

"Do you need help finding your room or.." i did a little puppy face. "Yeeeeaahh" He motioned me to come with him. Ya see if it was anyone else i would've have been screaming from the top of my lungs 'STRANGER DANGER CODE RED' buuuuut he's cute so yeah. On the way to the elevator we were spotted by "The Fans" oh god this is gonna require running and i don't run. "Oh god run." he looked at me. "OH MY GOD IT'S DAVID AND JESSIE" a fan screamed. My eyes widen and i dashed pasted David. He followed me and the fans were hot on our trail. I spotted the elevator and it was opening. About 2 feet away from it i dived in there. After i did David steped in and the elevator door closed.

"Well that was my exercise for the year" i panted. i pressed the 3rd floor button and David pressed the 5th floor. "Weeeelp this is my stop" i got off. "I'll walk you to your room" i shrugged and started knocking on every door. "Um what are you doing????"  he followed me. "Kayla knows how i knock so they'll open the door when they here me" i did my own little beat on every door i knocked on. I finally got to the sencond to the last door on the right. I did the beat and waited. I heard something fall on the other side of the door. 3 seconds later the door opened and i was attacked by Kayla. After she hugged me she popped me in the forehead. "Ahhhhh what was that for!!" she glared at me "That was for earlier and for leaving me here with these people" stopped and looked at the guy behind me. "Who's he" she point towards David. " That's David he's the one who helped me find the room" she nodded and said 'Sup' to him. "So where's Cole?" she looked down for a second and looked up at me. "Um he went to his room about an hour ago" i nodded. "So i'll see you around Jessica" i looked at David. "Peace Out" i threw up the peace sign.

We went inside and sat on the couch. "So it's 9:53 and we meet Cole and his friends at 10:00 so we should start walking down there." i layed on Kayla earning a grunt from her. "OMFG JESSIE GET OFF" i switched a side still laying on her. "C'mon we should get going" Amanda came out in a purple onesie and white vans. K.V. changed into a red and black onesie with black converse. We started walking down the hall with our hoods and shades on.

Mikayla's P.O.V

Cole texted me saying they just got to the lobby. 'We're coming' i texed back. We walked into the elevator and pressed the 1st floor. 45 seconds later we arive on the lobby floor. We walk out and I start scanning the lobby to see where dafaq they at. Then my phone buzzed. 'Look straight' i looked straight ahead of me and seen Cole leaning against the front desk waving at me. He is such a dork. "Guys" i pointed towards him and the group of boys talking to him. We started walking over and i noticed David. "Aye Jess isn't that the guy who helped you find our room" She looked where i was looking and nodded pushing her glasses up squinting a little. "Ello" i said to Cole. He looked over to me and smiled. "Guys this is the girls i was explaining to you Kayla meet Dana, Gabe, Will Jay, David and Dalton." ( A/N Dalton's isn't a main charater but he's in thi story) I Smiled showing my Blue and Pink braces which i don't do much.

"Guys this is her friends Jessica, Amanda, Brittney and K.V." he said earning some 'Hey's, Sups, and Hi's' between the two groups. " So where are we going" i asked looking at Cole. "Well we were going to either our room, outside, or the game room." i nodded. "Lets go to the game room" the boy with the snapback said. I think his name was Dana. we started walking there following the Boys. So tonight should be eventful.

End of Chapter

(Authors Notes)

Soooooooooooo guys what ya think. Jessica wrote some of her own P.O.V and i did the rest. Anyways comment below about what you think would happen next i'm kinda getting writters block....well not really but Vote/Follow/Comment please thanks my lovlies xD -Kayla

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