Hanging out

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Jessica's POV

We were at the game room playin fooseball when a group of teens came in and saw us "OMG YOUR IM5 AND CAPITAL MISFITS!!!!!" we turn around and run us being us ran to the stairs like WTF really. As were running we stop once we got outside the hotel thank god we lost them. "Oh My Goodness is it over. Do i have to run anytime soon." i asked slowing down. "Yeah i think we lost them." i turned around looking at our groups and put my hands on my knees. It got compeletly silent nothing but really hard breathing until i heard Kayla wheezing. " Kayla are you alright" I ran over to her screaming. "OMFG SHE'S HAVING AN ASMTHA ATTACK!!!" i walked her over to a bench and held her arms up. "Oh my Gosh!!!" The others ran over to her.

"BISH WHERE IS YOUR INHALER AT DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO BRING IT!!" I yelled at her panicing and hypervating. Then otta no where Brittney came with her inhaler. She gave it to me and i made Kayla inhale the pump once. "Kayla you have to breathe and keep your eyes open" i said to her. I sprayed the pump again and start to hear her breathe almost normally. Cole was sitting next her and rubbing her back. "Alright lets get walking before we get mobbed again." I heard Gabe say. We got her up and started walking with my around her shoulders. To be honest i was about to start crying. "Hey are you alright" i turned around and seen David. I saddly smiled and nodded.

Before i could walk a little faster i felt an arm around my waist. I cocked an eyebrow and turned to see who it was. And to no suprise it was David being all touchy-touchy. I smile at him showing my rainbow braces. We alked around the block of the hotel a couple times trying to see if those peoples was still there. Finally. i was about to go in but i remembered we're heading to starbucks. MMMMM Yeaahhh Coffeeeeee.*starts singing Mmm mmm yeah yeah mmmmmhm yeah yeah*.........oh sorry.

About ten minutes later we arrive at STAAARRRBBUUCKKS A.K.A WHITE GIRL HEAVEN. We walk in seeing there was an older couple sitting in te front. "Gabe, Cole coud you take Kayla and pick any table?" They nodded and took her to go find a table. I went to the clerk to see a cute guy at the register. "Hi welcome to Starbucks how can i help you?" he asked me. I looked at his name tag : Tyler. " Well hey there Blue eyes, can i have a Carmel Frappe, two vanilla bean frappe's, Mocha cookie crumble frappe and and Pumpkin spiece frappe all with whip cream." "Is that all?" i nodded and payed $21.50. "Are you feeling okay now?" i asked Kayla while walking over waiting for our drinks. She nodded. "Are you Okay?" She asked cause she seen me hypervating and it makes her scared. "Yeah as long as your okay i'm okay" i smiled. She leaned over the table and hugged me. I hugged back then licked her face."Ah Jess that's disqusting!" she whiped her face on Will Jay's shoulder. The boys chuckled at our little 'Tender Moment'.

"Um Captain Unicorns of the Rainbow Carribean Sea" Kayla and David look at me and stared laughing. I got up proudly and marched over to the drinks. "Thanks Buttercup Tyler...oh and here's a tip for saying te name right" I tipped him $25.00. I gave the girls they're drinks. "Let's get going Carson and Olivia is probably wondering where we are" Amanda suggested. We all agreed to walk back to the hotel.

The boys walked us to our room and said goodnight. Today was actually a good/fun day.....

End of chapter

(Authors note)

Elllo peeps OmG ALMOST 100 READS IN TWO DAYS THANKS FOR READING GUYS XD ...yes i really do have asmtha need i remind you this is a Realistic/Fantasy story and i'm sorry i had to make a kinda sad moment but it does happen.....so anywyas i hoped you enjoyed this chapter and there won't probably be another one til Wednesday idk we'llsee how my phones acting. Oh btw i need some idea's people i'm mean this isn't my first Story i wrote but it's my first time posting one of stories on wattpad so Comment/Vote/Follow thanks :-) <3-kayla

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