Chapter 33 : The Beach

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Maggie's POV,

I get woken up to the strong smell of coffee. The best thing about this holiday is the fact that we have our own lodge. It's part if the hotel, well, it's around 3 minute walk from it. I got up and put on some pj bottoms and yesterday's tank top. I walked out of our room and down the stairs to find Lizzie and Brad making coffee.

"Morning," I tell them both, and hug Brad from behind.

"Morning Maggie," they say in unison.

"This coffee smells amazing!" I tell them.
I sit on the sofa and turn on the TV to catch 'Millionaire Matchmaker' one of my favourite American series.

"Maggie?" Lizzie comes and sits down.


"You might want to change your top, or use make up," she smirks at me. Oh crap. I've completely forgetting about it. I look down to reveal a few hickeys.

"Bradley did you try to eat her?" Tristan jokes as he enters and sits next to Lizzie, giving her a quick kiss then snuggling up with her. I roll my eyes and sigh.

"No tan for me then,"

"Oi! You weren't complaining yesterday!" Brad says and hands me a coffee. He's so open with it to Tris and Lizzie.

"Complaining doing what?" James comes down.

"Oh we know," Connor and Jemima smirks at us and they too join us at the table. I just sit there in Brad's arms with my face in his neck, hiding my blushing.

"Oh give them space," Lizzie says.

"Will you guys help me?" I ask Lizzie and Jemima.

"Of course! After breakfast though!" Jemima says and Lizzie agrees.

"What we doiiiing today?" Rachel sings as she comes down.

"Someone's in a good mood!" I smile at her.

"I am, had fun?" She asks pointing at me.

"Yes actually," Brad butts in.

"We could go to the beach?" Connor changed the subject. I mouth 'Thank You' and he sent me a smile in return.

"Sounds fun!!" Jemima squealed. We all finished our coffee's and all head into our rooms to get changed.

"Sorry by the way," Brad hugs me and whispers it into my ear.

"I'm not mad," I giggle.

"Thank god!" Brad takes off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso.

"I know you like what you see, you'll see it all day!" He says.

"I don't," I lie turning away. Suddenly I'm over Brad's shoulder.

"Put me down!" I laugh.

"Not til you say you like what you see!" He tells me.

"Never!" I tell him and slap his butt.

"Miss Merrygold this is doing you no good!" He says.

"I'll drop you!" He adds.

"No!!!" I scream.

"Say it!" He warns.

"Fine fine!" I raise my voice a bit. "I like what I see," I giggle and he puts me down before giving me a kiss.

"Now get changed!" He says.

"I sir will be ages, because I have things to cover up!" I sigh.

"Don't bother!" He says.

"And go out with them showing?" I roll my eyes at him smiling to himself. I applied make up to my bruised up places, before going into the en suite and put on the red bikini I had for the shoot and walked out. Brad eyed me up and down before he whistled. I smiled then sat down, and put my curly brown hair into a high pony tail and put on water proof mascara and red lipstick.

"You don't have to be a model with us Mags, but you look good," James says.

"Thanks," I smile as Brad and I walk hand in hand to the bottom of the stairs. It's only a short walk to the beach. We put out the towels and lie down.

"I'm not laying down! Come on Lizzie let's go!!!" Tris whines.

"Tris in a bit? I want a better tan, please?" She asks and he nods, while he then, along with Connor run to the sea. Soon, the rest joined them, except Lizzie and I. It felt so good, the sun burning into my skin. After a while, I turn onto my stomach to let me back tan.

"Aaaah!" Lizzie screams. Before I have a chance to look around I feel a wet body on top of me.

"Bradley Will Simpson!" I scream and push him off. I see that Tris has done the same to Lizzie, who was now chasing him around the beach and into the sea.

"Now that you're wet, you can come for a swim, it's warm!" Brad says and offers me a hand which I take. We walk hand in hand until we reach the sea. I walk in until I'm half way, then I swim underwater. Soon I reach the others and Jemima splashes me. Straight away I splash her back, and almost instantly everyone gets involved.

"Omg it's The Vamps!" A few girls scream. They have fans in California? Sweet! We all stop splashing and the boys look at each other. We all walk out. Us girls, walk back and lie down while the boys take selfies and follow the girls back.
"I'm starving!" Connor whines.

"Me too!" I agree.

"Hot dogs?" Brad suggests as he sees a van selling hit dogs.

"Too fatty," Jemima sighs.

"Jemima! This isn't work time! Trust me, you'll loose it, if you gain ANYTHING!" I tell her.

"Alright fine!" She smiles.

"Why don't we all go out for a drink or two?" Tris brings up as we line up for hot dogs.

"That's not such a bad idea to be honest!" Jemima and Connor agree, then they both burst out laughing.

"Alright! We shall go out somewhere!" I say and we all do a chorus of cheers and laughs.


Hello <3
So college again this week! I will try and update mid week, or sooner! Sorry, I did say I'd post daily, but that was in the summer holidays, and as much as this fanfic means to me, my studying is more important.
Sorry for mistakes! (if any)
Oooh going out drinking? (Alriht now, I know in America you can't drink at that young age, but let's say that James (19) can get it all alright? <3)
Looking forward to the next chapter to be honest :3 so you might get a sooner update :P you never know :)
Please follow me on twitter : @MaggieMerrygold
Please vote and comment and all that stuff!
I appreciate all the nice comments I get in my Direct Messages :) I do read them all and try to reply to many :)
~ ILoveYouBraddyBoy

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