Chapter 38 : An Empty House...

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Maggie's POV,

I wake up to the sun coming through my red curtains. I lay on my bed, thinking about everything that has happened. I haven't told anyone yet, and I didn't want to. I didn't want anyone's sympathy. My cat, comes and jumps onto the bed. He lies down on my stomach and let's me stroke him. Instantly, he starts purring making me feel all relaxed. After a bit of playing around with the cat, Ollie and I make our way down stairs, but we find an empty living room, and a nearly empty kitchen. In empty, I mean most of the photos are gone, some of mums belonging too. I feed the cat before investigating.

"Dad?" I shout but get no answer. I look at the time, 11:30, dad would be up. A slight panic comes over me, as I am lost and confused in my own house. Outside the kitchen window, I see Terragon and Lady. Note to self: go and see Terragon. I rummage through the rooms but find nothing. No note. No nothing. Dad's room is empty, just a bed. Tears running down my face, I walk back into the kitchen, to find a post it note stuck on the fridge.

'Dear Maggie,
I'm sorry, I've left. I can't stay in the same house without Charlotte. And you? You remind me so much of her. You weren't her own, but you two looked so alike it's crazy. Every week I'll be sending you around £5,000 to you account, thanks to our business, I can do that. I'll be in London for now, but please don't look for me. Don't call me, I've changed my number. If you really have to, you know the business number don't you? I don't know what else to say. I'm a shit father and you have a right to hate me. Please sort things out with Brad. You need him, more than you think.
Love Dad xxx'

What? I re-read the letter over and over again. Tears rushing down my face, every time I re read the letter. I have no one. I try ringing James but he isn't picking up. I try ringing Lizzie and she isn't picking up either. What can I do? I have no one. No one cares. There's this thing on my mind, should I call Brad? I can always say that the others aren't picking up and that I need to talk to them can't I? Confidently, I dial Brad's number.

One ring.
Two rings.
Three rings.
Four rings.
Five rings
'Welcome to Orange answer phone, the person you are calling isn't able to take your call, please leave your message after the tone' the annoying voice says. I sob to myself before hanging up. The one person who I was told I need, is busy too. I told them to enjoy California, not sulk, not worry about me.
I walk onto my room and into the en suite. 'I have no one' I keep repeating to myself. That's when I see it. The one thing I promised myself I'd never touch.

*this next part contains self harm, if this content will upset you please skip til you see these stars again*

That blade. I open the red secret box and take it out. I promised myself and my mum I wouldn't do it ever again. But my mum is gone. I go into the en suite in my room and shut the door behind me, sliding along it. My butt hits the ground and I bring my knees to my chest. Next, I pull up my sleeves and look at my hand. That skin that has been un damaged for so long. One slide across, a slight pain. Second slide across, hardly any pain. Third, fourth, fifth. It makes no difference.

Suddenly I drop the blade as the realisation hit me. I promised mum I wouldn't, and here I am, doing it. She wouldn't be proud. She wouldn't be happy. But she isn't here. I don't understand why dad left. Well I kind of do. I just don't understand why he wasn't here for me instead, like I would be here for him. I run my arm under the water and bandage it up. When there's a knock on the door. I'm not expecting anyone. Wait. Maybe dad is back!

*you can read now, if you stopped earlier*

Excitedly I run to the door, instantly knowing it's not dad. I see two figures through the glass. It looks like, no, it can't be. I open the door slowly to reveal Brad and James standing there with their suitcases.

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