Chapter 66: Day 1

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Maggie's POV,

I woke up with James next to me, already on his phone, tweeting.

"Morning," I mumble.

"To you too," He smiles at me before turning his attention back to the phone. I get up and brush my teeth, before getting changed into some red high waisted shorts, a black crop top and my black converse. I leave my hair down naturally in it's curls, I love how long my hair is. I apply eye liner, mascara and lip gloss before walking back into the room. James hasn't moved.

"You not getting changed?" I question him.

"In a bit, where you off to?" He asks me a question in return.

"Luke is coming to meet me!" I smile from ear to ear.

"Be safe." Is all James says.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I giggle.
"I don't know?" James shrugs and goes to get changed. He comes back wearing a blue hoodie and some blue ripped skinny jeans.

"Mags?" He says my name.

"Yeah?" I ask looking at him.

"Looking good" He smirks at me, I roll my eyes.

"Thank you, don't look bad yourself," I say in return.

"Eww Mags stop checking me out serisously! I mean, I know I'm gorgeously faboulous but please," He says and starts to laugh. I'm in fits on the floor.

1 Text from Luke The Crush:
I'm outside :P Hurry up Maggie you taking ageeeees! xx

1 Text to Luke The Crush:
I still haven't changed your name xD and hang on, I'm coming!! xx

I put my phone along with my purse into my red hand bag.

"Later!" I shout to James. I think he responded with something like 'bye'. I almost ran down the stairs, the elevator would take too long. I quickly walked out of the lobby too see Luke. In his beanie, a hoodie and some jeans. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

"LUKEEEEY!!!" I scream as he spins me around.

"MAGGGIIIEEYY!" He shouts in return.

"Oh my god I missed you! It's great to see you!" I tell him as we walk down the street.

"Same!" He says.

"So where are you taking me bestie?" I ask.

"I am taking you, to do a bit of sight seeing!" He tells me. I smile at Luke as we walk. He takes me up to the Empire building.

"How many more stairs?" I asks. He chuckles to him self.

"We're here." He says. I over look the view. IT IS AMAZING!

"How many times you been up here?" I ask him.

"A few," He admits looking at the landscape, taking his camera out and snapping a few photos.

"Stand here," Luke points, I do as he asks and look over the landscape. Luke walks around a bit, and takes the photo before showing it to me. He had me from the side, over looking the view. I mist admit I loved the way it looked.

"Luke that's amazing!" I smile at him.

"Thanks?" He says.

"Let's go," Next, he leads me to the central park. Why is New York so amazing?

"This is nice, thanks Luke," I smile at him.

"Mind me asking, how's the whole Brad thing?" He asks as we eat our ice creams.

I sigh. "To be honest, I don't know," I tell him honestly.

"What you mean you 'don't know'?" He questions me.

"I love him, I do, I can't lie to myself, but I'm scared" I pause. "Scared that he will just do it again." I finish.

"But you can't fight your feelings?" Luke made a point. He was right. I can't, and that's what is scaring me. One, I can't hurt James, even though he opened up to me and told me he would find it okaii. Two, if Brad does it again, it will ruin me.

"I'll try to fight them for as long as I can," I smile at him. Luke grabs my hand and we jump off the wall. We walk around for a bit, New York city is beautiful. I wish I lived here.

"You don't live here though Luke do you?" I question him, he shakes his head.

"Nope, we live in LA at the moment, but Jai and I came to New York for a few days, I've been here loads of time, which is why I thought I would take you to some sight seeing, but made sure I left some bits for James." He smiles.

"How are the girls then Lukey?" I ask him as we walk.

"Crazy, I love all our fans though, and to be honest, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now, I just want to focus on The Janoskians while I can." He tell me.

"Awh, this means a lot to you doesn't it? I mean the Janoskians."

"I think it means the world to all of us," He says.

"Fancy Star Bucks?" He offers as we leave the central park.

"Sure!" I smile and we walk in.

Brad's POV,

We were in the studio, just writing or our album, with some help from other artists.
"What about something like this?" I strum the guitar.

"Tell me you love me, Tell me you care," I started, I sang this from my heart. "But I know you won't be there

I've had trouble sleeping
You feel the same
No, I bet you can't complain
About that at all" I carried on. Joe and everyone else nodded at me.

"I like it," Joe said. Will Maggie like it?

"Well let's go through all of it and see what we can do?" The producer offered, I accepted that offer. We went through the song a few times, and they seemed pleased with it.

"What would you like to name it Brad?" Tris asks me.

"She Was The One," I say, too confidently.

"It's about her isn't ti?" He asks me. I nod. "It's great stuff Brad," He pats me on the back before leaving.

We worked on another two songs before Joe said it should be a wrap for tonight. They were going out for a bit of drink but I refused. I had planning to do, and I knew it would take me at least the rest of tonight to plan it all out.
Wonder what Brad is planning! Want to guess in the comments? Or DM me?
Vote, Comment and DM! Sorry it's so late, was ill and stuff.
-ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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