Chapter 67: Day 2

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Maggie's POV,

Lizzie, Jemima and I were going to go and do some shopping around New York. The boys are writing again today, and we don't want to disturb them. Not much happened yesterday, we only went out to dinner. Then James and I watched some american TV before drifting off to sleep.

When I woke up I had a shower and brushed my teeth. I got into a dark purple skater dress and paired that with my purple converse. It's better to have converse rather than heels. That would just kill my feet, especially since we are going shopping. Today was going to be a long day.

"Looking great, as always." James compliments me as he comes out of the shower, with a towel around his waist, his hair dripping wet. I followed one of the water drops as it fell from his hair, and onto his chest. It made it's way between his abs. "Maggie, stop checking me out, or come and hug me." James chuckles.

"No, you're wet!" I joke, giggling as I say it. James join in chuckling to himself. "You guys writing again today?" I asked as I sat down with a mirror in front of me.

"Yup" he said popping the 'p'. "There's loads of inspiration around New York, I don't know how, but Brad managed to write a whole song himself yesterday..." he adds.

"That's pretty cool, I can't write anything!" I smile at James. I turn to do my make up. I start with foundation and then add some purple eye shadow. I usually go for eye liner, but today I felt like a slight change. I then added my usual mascara and lastly added my red lipstick. I put on my bracelets and bangles. Next, I added some hoop earrings and changed my lip ring to a purple one too. Purple was the colour of the day.

"James?" I called for him. He came from the en suit dressed, in some black jeans and a black shirt. The sun was going to burn him.

"Yeash?" He asked.

"Can you put this on?" I asked him, while handing him my necklace. He nodded and I moved my hair out of the way. I was having trouble trying to put it on, with my nails.

"Thank youuuuu!" I thanked him and hugged him.

"No problems, you heading out with the girls today?" He asked me as he made himself that bag of protein.

"Yeah, think we are meeting Lucy soon as well, which is great, since I saw Luke yesterday, and Lucy today." I told him brushing my hair. I decided to straighten it and then put it into a pony tail.

"Alright well I'm off, enjoy your day!" James said and gave me a peck on the cheek before he left. I don't know what James and I are. He never asked me out. I guess we just really close friends, and to be honest, I was fine with that. There was a knock on the door, I grabbed my phone and purse, put it into my black handbag and went to answer.

"Ready?" Jemima and Lizzie smiled at me.

"Ready!" I answered.

It took us around half an hour to get to the shopping mall. It was HUGE. I'm not even joking. I looked at Jemima's and Lizzie's reaction, they were thinking the same as me.

"MAGGIE! LIZZIE! JEMIMA!" I heard someone shout our name. That someone, was Lucy.

"LUCYYYYY!!!!" We all ran towards each other and had a huge group hug. "You guys will love this place!" Lucy exclaimed!

"Where first?" We asked her. She dragged us into a shop, that I didn't even catch the name of. The clothes in there were amazing. As soon as we walked in we went straight to the dress section. They had new skater dresses and skirts hung up. We all started looking through. Lizzie found one, in her size, it was green leopard prints. I was surprised to see it, never seen a leopard design on one.

Jemima found a white skater skirt, with black polka dots design on them. Lucy decided to pass on the skirts and dresses and left us for the jeans section. I kept looking through. That's when I found it. It had USA flags all over it. It looked amazing.

"Can we go try these on?" I asked the girl, Lucy came back with three pairs of jeans, incase one pair didn't fit. We walked over to the changing rooms and all of us walked into one booth. I looked at myself in the mirror as I removed my dark purple dressed and pulled on the one with the USA flags on it. It fit on me, if I may say, perfectly. I felt confident inside it. It showed off my curves. I stepped out and looked at everyone else. I have to say, this shop has done good.

Next, we went to 'Claire's' which was cool, since we have these in the UK too. I chose a small necklace with an american flag on it. This would be an outfit I will bring back from the USA, and it shall remind me of everything. Maybe take it out sometime. I payed and we left.

"I'm hungry," I complained.

"McDonalds?" Lucy suggested. Jemima and I shook our heads. "What? Why?" She looked shocked.

"Work, too many calories, too fattening," Jemima says. I can't help but giggle to myself. We sound like some girls who are too afraid to gain a tiny bit of weight. I was kind of happy with the way my body was at the moment, which I don't say often.

"Let's go, you guys can have a salad.!" Lizzie made a point. We went and ordered our food.
"It was so great to see you!" Lucy says, hugging us all one by one.

"And you LuLu!" I said as I hugged her, I gave her a tight and long hug, since I was the last person she hugged anyway. There was a car horn sound and Beau waved at me. I waved back letting go of Lucy.

"I shall see you guys soon hopefully!" She said her goodbyes and leaves to go into the car with Beau. She's someone I miss constantly. I asked about her brother, and apparently he has a girlfriend, and has moved out of the house. I was glad to hear that.

Brad's POV,

I was thinking hard about it all. I have a plan, I just have to ask the boys for help, it might be hard, especially asking James for help.
Keep guessing what Brad is planning!
Longer ish update! Sozz for mistakes!
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I am slowly getting through all the DM's!

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