Chapter 3

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Annie's POV
The next day I went to school and saw Johnny with Nadia and her friends. I have no idea what to do. I decided to distract Johnny from Nadia.

A-hey John!

Jo-oh hey anns!

N-umm excuse me can't you see we were in the middle of a conversation!

A-umm sorry didn't see you over there. I just needed to talk to Johnny for a sec. *Grab his arm and pull him somewhere far away from them*

A-why are you hanging out with them and not them *points to Annie's group of friends*

Jo-I just don't feel like hanging with them

A-is it because I rejected you?!

JO-no...... Maybe.....

A-you need to stop hanging out with them!

Jo-why?! They're also my friends?!

A-you just need to stop hanging out with them!

Jo-fine but first you need to tell me why

A-its for your own good Johnny...... Just trust me

Jo-i don't know if I can. I'm sorry I gtg *leaves*

Ughhhh why can't Johnny just trust me. I wish I could tell him. Anyways I went through my classes it was pretty boring then it was lunch time when I entered the lunchroom I was looking for Johnny when someone bumped into me making me fall on top of him.

A-*gets up* I'm so sorry John......

Jo-its fine where were you looking at?

A-oh nothing I was just thinking......

Jo-oh okay then see you in music class. *Leaves*

I went to my table where my group of friends were sitting in.

A-Hey guys......

K-soo.... How's you and my brother? *Smirks*

A-what? nothing *blushes*

L-so do you like Johnny now?

A-actually idk......

J-im gonna be having game night tonight does anyone want to come?

K-can my brother come too. My mom only lets me go somewhere when my brothers invited.

J-sure invite him

A-i have to ask my mom first.

C-if I'm coming I think Mom will let you.

H-im definitely in.

L-if Hayden's coming than I'm coming too.

Ar-me too

J-game night at mines tonight then.

Word count 370

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