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Cyrus's POV:
We found someplace that was farther away from the main hallway. Not that many teachers pass by here so we wouldn't get in trouble for not being in the cafeteria during our lunch time.
Tj was exhausted, I think he ate his sandwich in 2 bites
"So I've been meaning to tell you something" he starts, his voice was shaky. Clearly nervous.
I attempt to calm him down I put my hand on his shoulder, only to have him jump at my touch.
"Hey, just take a deep breath" I tell him. He nods before breathing in through his nose, then out through his mouth. "Ok, guess I'll just get this over with"
He took a moment to collect his thoughts. I probably seemed so calm to him but truth be told, I was a nervous wreck inside. I've learned from my parents that I have to remain calm in situations like this. If the other person seems like they're about to have a panic attack, I try not to panic with them even more but help them instead.
Tj didn't seem like he was about to have a panic attack, but he was really nervous.
But I'll still remain calm.
"So, um we've been friends for a while now right" he starts to play with his fingers. "And you know, you care about me a lot... and I really appreciate that" I smile. He appreciates me. "You've seen me have bad days. And you help me get through them. But it's only fair that you know the reason as to why I have bad days" I look at him. He was making it seem like was gonna ask me out
"And it's you" I look at him blankly, I make him have bad days?
"I-I mean I like you Cyrus. I really like you. More than as a friend" he clarifies. My eyes widen. Did I just hear that correctly?
Tj Kippen likes me?
"What?" my voice comes out more as a squeak than a normal teenage boy's voice.
Dammit puberty
"Yeah. I like you Cyrus. And I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore cau-"
He stops once he felt my hand was on his. He was gripping the seat now.
"I like you too Tj" I somehow manage to say
I see him let go another shaky breath "you're not gonna stop being my friend?"
I shake my head.
"Uh, so um" he scratches his neck "How would you feel about being more than just friends" I know he was trying to ask me to be his boyfriend, but I decided to play around with him.
"What do you mean?" I ask holding back a giggle. "C'mon Cyrus" he laughs.

Cyrus. I don't think he's ever called me Cyrus. He calls me Cy or a nickname. It felt good to hear him say my actual name.

"Yes Tj, I'll be your boyfriend"
I looked at him in the eyes, he was happy. But it wasn't the type of happiness you see from a person who laughed at a joke or something. He genuinely looked happy.

We quickly let go of our hands and ran into the staircase as soon as we heard the click of heels start to get closer to us.
We ran to the second floor and stood there in silence to make sure the coast was clear. We hear the person come into the staircase for a moment before walking back out.
We waited for the sound of the clicking to fade away completely before restarting our conversation.
He looks at me, I look at him. And we both smile.

"How long have you liked me?" I asked him. "Wait first of all you're gay?"
"Yup and I've liked you since around Christmas" he shrugs "you?"
"I don't know actually, I've liked you for a while I just never thought you'd actually like me back"
He comes closer to me to embrace me in a hug. We stood there in each others arms for a couple seconds before separating again.
"Does anyone else know?" I question again. "Just Amber, she's actually the one who convinced me to tell you"
"Not surprised, she can be very convincing" I recollect the moment where she got Andi in trouble for going to some warehouse party.

I feel exhilarated. Like 100 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders.
And the best part is
Cyrus said yes.
I was bouncing off the walls in my mind
Obviously not in person or else Cyrus would've broken up with me right then and there.
I can officially call that boy, my boyfriend.
Cyrus Goodman, is my boyfriend.
It has a good ring to it.
"So uh do Buffy and Andi know?" I ask Cyrus. "They know I'm gay but they only suspect that I like you and that you like me." My heart sinks.
"Wait they think I like you!?" I start to become nervous. "Uh yeah why?"
"Am I that obvious?" Panicking, I start to walk back and forth in the stairwell. I've always been closeted, but can people figure it out themselves?
"Don't worry, I doubt anyone else will notice. Buffy and Andi are just really observant of me and my other friends, and now- boyfriend" he chuckles. I stop pacing to look at him "Are we gonna tell them?" I try to calm down. I've never thought of that, coming out.
The only people I've come out to was Mason and Amber, and now Cyrus. But they're all close to me. I'm not insanely close with Andi or Buffy. And the thought of coming out to them seemed terrifying.
"I'm okay with telling them, are you?" He seemed so at ease, like his was no big deal to him. But to me this was a huge deal.
Or maybe it isn't a deal at all.
"I don't know, Buffy hates me- imagine telling her I'm dating her best friend!" I start to panic again. Cyrus stands up from the stair he was sitting on to grab my by the shoulder and face me towards him.
"Listen to me, it's going to be okay"

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