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Cyrus's POV:
I walked down to the corner where I meet Tj most mornings so we can walk to school together.
I was there for a couple minutes before I see Tj in the distance waiting to cross the street. I smile and I can see him smile at me too.
I wrap him into a hug, standing up onto my tippy toes because he's just that much taller than me.
"Happy Anniversary" I tell him, I feel him squeeze me tighter "Happy Anniversary" he muffles into my shoulder.
It's our one month, which also means that today we would be coming out.
We start to walk in the opposite direction of the school. We take the long way to school so that we can walk while holding hands without worrying that anyone will see us.
His hand was clammy, I know he's scared. But he won't talk to me about it.
"So you ready to come out?" I try to so casually ask. He shrugs "I guess"
"What are you so scared of Tj?"
He lets go of a deep breath, "it's nothing really, it's just my first time 'coming out' I guess. The only people who know are you, Amber and an old friend" he explains. "Who's the old friend?"
"Ah you don't know him"
"But who is he?"
"Don't worry about, we're not really friends anymore so it doesn't matter"
"Why aren't you guys friends anymore?"
"Because we're not okay! Now just stop asking questions" he snaps at me. I don't respond, so I just stay quiet the whole walk to school.

Tj's POV:
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
I just want to tell Cyrus I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at him.
He was just asking questions I didn't want to answer.
He doesn't know what happened, it's not his fault.
I'm just terrified of another Mason situation happening.
But I know that won't happen again. But it's just so scary to think that it might.
Once we're in a 3 block radius of the school-where we usually let go of our hands- I didn't let go.
Instead I stopped in my tracks which cause me to tug him back a bit.
"What happened?" He asks not yet letting go of my hand.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell" I apologize.
"It's whatever" he shrugs.
"No I'm really sorry" I tug him closer to me. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around my waist. Our faces still separated.
"I am scared, last time I came out to a group of friends..it didn't go so well" I confess.
He looks at me before leaning his head on my shoulder and hugging me tighter.
"It's gonna be okay, I'm with you" he whispers. "I know, thanks"

"We should get going or we're gonna be late" I tell him when I realize what time it was on my watch. 5 minutes before first period starts.

We sped walked to school and went along with our normal daily routine. But by the time math came, I was a wreck.
I always daze off in math, all the numbers and stuff give me a headache trying to understand. And all I could think about was coming out to Cyrus's friends.
But I had to do it, to make Cyrus happy.
And I guess I have to do it eventually, might as well get it over with.

The bell finally rang, signaling he end of class and all our classmates practically ran out.
Except Cyrus.
"You ready?" Cyrus asks me as we make our way to lunch. "Ready as I'll ever be"
We head to our usual table of 6 seats, but one seat empty because Buffy was in the library.
Cyrus and I sat on one side of the table, while Andi, Jonah and Marty sat on the other.
Marty stared at us, no expression on his face, but just a look you know.
I looked at him too when I sat down, but I didn't say anything, it could just be my imagination.
Like always, Andi and Jonah were off in their own little world and Marty was on his phone.
Cyrus saw how nervous I was, I was bouncing my leg up and down. He puts his hand on my knee, causing me to quickly look at him.
"You okay?" He mouths.
"Let's just do it" I whisper. I feel Marty's gaze back on us. But I try to ignore it.
Cyrus clears his throat, "Uh Guys" he tries to get Andi and Jonah's attention.
They look up at us, I feel like I'm being suffocated. I have 3 people staring and me.
Cyrus grabs my hand under the table, I hold it tight so I don't start to shake.
"Tj and I have something to tell you" he starts. "Tj I think you should talk first" he tells me.
I held Cyrus's hand tight with one hand, and practically dug my nails into the palm of my other hand.
I haven't been this vulnerable in a while.
"I uh, I just wanted to say that.. I um" I stutter. I feel Marty's eyes drilling into my head. I can't make eye contact with any of them. "I'm gay" I blurt out.
"What?!" Andi and Jonah say almost in unison. "Yeah, I'm gay" I repeat.
"Woah, since when?" Jonah asks. "Since always". I look at Marty who's looking over at Cyrus now. What's his deal?

"And we uh have something else to say" Cyrus continues. This time he squeezes my hand tight. "Tj is my uh.. my boyfriend" he says at almost a whisper.
"WHAT?!" Andi and Jonah say together again but louder- causing the other people in the cafeteria to look at us. "Sorry" Andi apologizes. "Since when?! How did that happen?!" She whisper yells.
"Since last month. Please don't tell Buffy we're gonna tell her after school." He pleads. "A month?! And you didn't tell me?!"
"Hey I-we weren't ready okay"
While they bickered for minute I didn't pay much attention. I look over at Marty again and he stays quiet. "What's up with you?" I ask. "Oh nothing"
"C'mon dude, what is it?"
"It's just that.. I kind of already knew"

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