Chapter 1

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I sat in the waiting room of the shelter hoping someone would actually come help me out here. I was reading a magazine when I felt a presence, someone cleared their throat. "Ahem miss? We are ready for you" I looked up to see one of workers smiling nervously at me. I got up and tossed the magazine onto the chair. "I want two of your most neglected ones. You do know that right?" I said a bit annoyed that they had taken so long to get ready. The worker cringes and nods leading me down a hallway, I heard noises from several rooms as we walked by. It sounded like they were all crying, missing their owners...

The worker lead me to a room with a young little boy in it. He was wearing a sweater and his face was buried into it, he looked super depressed as he stared at the floor. The worker sighed beside me "this is Sammy. He uh, his uh owner passed away and the guys girlfriend abused him after then he was sent here..." The worker says quietly to me. I frowned and took a step forward "wait! Hes mute. The girlfriend cut his tongue out because she didnt wanna hear him talk" I gasped and looked at him a bit shocked "poor baby" I whispered. The worker nods not really caring, "if you can get him to like you that will be great he kinda hates us.." I stopped listening to the worker and walked into the room calmly.

"Oh right I'm Aaron by the way!!" He says nervously watching me. I ignored Aaron and calmly sat on the bed beside the boy. He looked up at me confused and cocked his head, I gently took the hood of his head to reveal his adorable brown ears on top of his head. He smiled alittle watching me. "hey. I heard you need a home" he nodded watching me carefully. "You seem to be just the kind of wolf I wanted. how about you come home with me?" He smiled widely and stood up on the bed happily nodding, wagging his tail. I laugh and ruffled his hair, "psshhh don't give in to it Sammy. She will just throw you away again" I hear a voice behind a curtain say. Sammy frowned slightly and watched me, "im not that kind of person." i say picking him up, he cuddled into me as i walked over to the other side of the room and pulled back the curtain.

An older boy looked up at me from the bed he was sitting on, tears were rolling down his cheeks. "What do you want?" I feel Aaron behind me "easy boy. That's Terrance, since you are looking for neglected weredogs he's your best bet!" Aaron says a little bit too happily. "Seriously? Can you shut up!?" Terrance growled glaring at me and Sammy. Sammy started to squirm and i put him down, he ran over to Terrance and hugged his leg. Terrance picked him up and hugged him back, he looked at me sadly "please. Take care of him, hes my best friend" Terrance says handing him back to me. I reached over and put my warm hand on his cold face, "only if you come with me" he looks a bit confused and Aaron angrily pulls me away from him.

"No! He's gonna be euthanized soon! There's no point. You'll probably just return him anyways he's a handful." I glared at Aaron. "I said I wanted your most neglected weredogs. ill take him. Watch me!" I shouted. Aaron jumped at my sudden out burst, he frowned and held his hands up in defeat. "Alright! Alright.. You might as well know that hes been returned 5 times already. No one has been able to deal with him" i shrugged "does it look like i care? One less weredog to euthanize." I said sternly walking over to Terrance's bed. "Get your things packed up boys. ill meet you two by the entrance ok?" Sammy and Terrance looked at me and smiled then ran to their small wardrobes at their parts of the room. Aaron called some other workers down to escort them and then took me to sign the adoption papers.

Once I finished I walked out to the entrance and saw that the boys were already waiting for me, Sammy was smiling and bouncing around and Terrance was staring at the floor. "Aaron?" The worker named Aaron walked over smiling. "Yes?" I sighed "I had heard about a young weredog that was brought here a month ago, Luna? I think anyways. She was abandoned by her owners in the middle of the woods right?" Aaron sighed "shes here alright but we are gonna have to mention that you want to adopt her. Hopefully shes OK with that" i smiled knowing he already knew i wanted her. "Luna is pretty intense... She bit one of my co-workers. Ill tell them you want her, youll probably be able to come pick her up in about a week if she allows us to start the process" he says swaying nervously. "Alright sounds good. I want to meet her as soon as possible" Aaron nods and his walkie talkie starts crackling Aaron!! Third floor one of the weredogs just attacked Stephanie! A shrill voice chirped. Aaron frowned "well i gotta run! Have fun with your new pets!" He says running to the stairwell and disappearing.

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