Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up before my alarm, I looked over at the clock and it said 6:58am. "Are you kidding me!!!???" I say annoyed "I could've gotten two extra minutes!!" I get out of bed and get dressed for school. I head out to the kitchen and make everyone breakfast then I go to wake them all. I opened the bedroom door to see Terrance sleeping with his face in the pillow, Sammy was curled up under the covers and Luna was sleeping soundly in her bed. I walked over to Terrance's bed and sat down gently ruffling his hair, he shot up "im awake!" He said wiping drool off his face, I laughed "you seemed like you were asleep" he smiles "well i was...." I stood up "get dressed mister" he nods and grabs his clothes leaving the room. I walked over to Sammy's bed "hey little one, time for school" i say smiling, he opens his eyes slowly and yawns "good morning" i say, he smiles at me and sits up stretching.  Luna yawns behind me "morning alreadyyy??" She says i turn to look at her "yeah. Sleep well?" She nods "that was the best sleep ive had in a while" I grin "thats good to hear, time to get up though we have school soon" I say leaving the room, i walk into the kitchen to see Terrance asleep in one of the kitchen chairs. "Terrance!" He flinches and sits up "what???" He says yawning "wake up. Geez, come on you cant sleep all day yet" Terrance stretches "I'm too tired to wake up mom" he says resting his head in his hands. I sit beside him "is something bothering you?" i ask, he sighs "yeah.... Im worried about Nash, what if its worse then abuse? What if he went through and still is going through something else?" he says looking at me super upset. I grab his hands and look at him "thats why i need you to find out, I want to make sure that boy is ok too. Find out what soccer practice really is for him" Terrance nods resting his head on my shoulder "what do I do if he freaks out and tells his owner?" I hug him "thats the whole point bud, you try and ask him in a way he wont even know you are asking him about it. Talk about your experience at the shelter or something that way he will feel safer and be able to trust you because youve been through things as well" Terrance looks at me even more upset then before. "Mom i dont want to share that" he says tearing up.

I keep hugging him, he sniffles "I didn't mean everything, there are ways to say things without telling too much. You can ask him what school he used to go to and if he asks anything about you just tell him you were in a shelter, thats not revealing much" Terrance starts sobbing in my arms. I hold him closely "dont cry buddy, if you ever need to talk to me about anything at all I will listen. If you dont want to bug Nash about his personal life I dont mind alright?" Terrance looks at me and wipes his eyes "i want to ask him mom. Its just well I remembered a couple things about that shelter and I felt sad for a second" he sighs "im OK now. Ill tell you about it after school" I smile a little "you sure you are alright?" He nods and sits back in his chair. "Im fine" I sigh and hand him a plate of raw beef, he smiles widely and starts eating. I hear Luna and Sammy enter the room, "raw meat!" Luna says sitting down and eating her meat, Sammy does the same. I sit down beside Terrance and eat a bowl of cereal, suddenly theres a knock at the door. I get up and open the door to reveal Abby and Nash, "Hey! I was hoping I got the right house, can we walk to school with you guys?" I look at her confused. "I never gave you my address?" She smiles "It doesnt matter. Willow told me if you are really curious though" Abby says shoving past me and pulling Nash with her. "hey Nash!" Terrance says finishing his meat, I see Nash reach for it alittle but Abby slapped his hands away. "Did you guys eat breakfast?" I say, Abby turns to me. "I get sick if i eat breakfast" she says i gesture to Nash "he looks hungry" i say, Nash watches me "well you dont have to feed him. He gets fed at school" Abby says a bit annoyed. I shrugged grabbing a piece of beef from the fridge and handing it to Nash, he literally devoured it like he hadnt eaten in days. Abby elbowed him " youll choke" she says in a bored voice. Nash licks his lips "thank you Miss" he says licking his fingers. I smile trying not to react to Abby and her weird behavior. I grab my backpack and so do the others "everyone ready?" Abby shakes her head "can i use your bathroom?" I drank a shit ton of water" she says squirming slightly "yeah sure, its down that hallway on the left" Abby smiles and dashes down the hallway. Nash looks at me "thank you so much for feeding me... I dont normally get fe.. I mean i always get fed! im just greedy" he covers his face "shut up Nash, shut up Nash, shut up Nash" he says quietly to himself. Terrance looks at me and so does Luna "Nash?" Luna says calmly walking over to him "are you ok?" Nash doesnt answer but i could see he was shaking now, "Luna im scared" he whispers. Luna puts her hands on his shoulders and whispers something to him, Terrance looks at me super confused. Abby walks back over and shoves Luna "dont you touch him you bitch!" She snaps, I instantly step infront of Luna "excuse me? Nash was having a panic attack. she was helping him" i snap, Abby glares at me "he overreacts a lot. He wants attention" she grabs Nash by the wrist and starts to leave, suddenly I see something in her hand which looked like my wallet. i went and snatched it from her, "YOU WHORE" she shouted pulling Nash out of the house and slamming the door behind her.

I stood there stunned holding my wallet in my hands. "What just happened?" Terrance said breaking the silence. I didn't answer, I was just shocked. Was this girl seriously trying to steal my wallet?? Why did she want  it? "let's just go to school OK?" I say opening the front door and stepping out. I heard them follow me and I drove us to school.

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