Chapter 2

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Chelsea and Duke were still fighting when we got outside Terrance glared at Duke and walked over "hey can you shut up? You are scaring my best friend" Duke sneers at Terrance "aww I'm scaring your little baby brother eh? Well how about instead of telling me to shut up you just fuck off instead!!" He shoves Terrance and walks away. "Oh my god! Im so sorry, hes been really upset since my dad told him the meat store isnt selling his favorite meat anymore because it wasnt that popular." Chelsea sighs "he's really stressing me out" I sigh "well atleast you get a break from him" she snorts "yeah. But now i gotta with the human jerks" i smile slightly "yeah..." Terrance and Sammy followed behind us with Fern. She was telling them what school is like, once we arrived to school Duke was waiting for us. Mostly Chelsea because he wasnt allowed to enter without her, Chelsea walked over to him and smacked him across the face "you are such a jerk! Apologize to Terrance now!! He didnt even do anything!!" Terrance squeals and cowers behind me a bit nervous at the mention of him.

Duke glares at me "he's a pussy do I really have to?" I shake my head "no you don't. Just be nicer to him, he's had a rough life" Amelia giggles and I glare at her "sorry. You said 'ruff' he's a dog I found it funny" she says awkwardly. I roll my eyes "they are just as human as us. You cant convince me otherwise dont call him a 'dog' please" i say annoyed leading Sammy and Terrance into the school. My friends followed and we got to the were dogs section of the building, "(y/n)!!!" I looked into the room to see my half cousin Willow running over to me happily. "You adopted your own weredogs without telling me??!" She says looking shocked. I sigh "shit i forgot. Well this is Terrance and this is Sammy" i say gesturing to Sammy who was standing behind me nervously. Willow smiles "blondie!! Come meet some new friends!" She says happily, i watch as Blondie comes out of the room smiling.

He immediately walks over to Sammy "hey you are small just like me!" Sammy smiles "oh yeah, Blondie.. Sammy can't talk hes mute" Blondie shrugs "I'm sure we will get along just fine" he smiles at Sammy more. I could see Terrance eyeing Blondie "where is your arm?" He asks curiously i elbow him gently "dont say that Terrance!" Blondie giggles "its ok, I dont mind. but you can see its clearly not where it is supposed to be. I lost it when i was a baby i don't know how i lost it but I'm just fine without it!" Blondie says beaming at Terrance. He shrugs "cool i guess" Blondie grabs Sammy gently and leads him to the classroom "come on there is so many things you have to see and know in here!" I gently poked Sammy and he turned to look at me a little nervous. "Alright buddy are you ready for your first day?" I say kneeling down to his height. He frowned and hugged me tightly, i hugged back "aww ill miss you too. Dont worry OK? Ill see you at lunch OK?" he pulls away after a bit and nods sniffling. "aw dont cry Sammy. Youll be OK, i promise" Sammy sighs and Blondie bounces over "I can distract you! Come on! You gotta see the classroom!" I smile and watch them go into the room.

I stand up and look at Terrance he was shaking head to toe a lot. "Look you already know Fern and Sammy will be with you too I'm sure of it. Its OK to be nervous but its not as bad as you may think" I hug him tightly and he hugs back "you wont abandon me will you?" He whispers i frown hugging him tighter "I wouldnt dream of it. I'm gonna come over here at lunch OK?" he sighs into my shoulder and sniffles "I would never abandon you im not like those other people" I say comfortingly "(y/n) i know hes scared but we gotta get to our classes too" Ameila says.  I gently pull away from Terrance "youll be ok. Dont try to make yourself upset alright?" he nods and sighs looking at the floor. Fern walks over to him "come on!! You gotta see the classroom" she says excitedly. He looks at me unsure "go for it Terrance. Have fun ok?" He sighs and allows Fern to drag him into the classroom.

"Well you actually handled that well (y/n) I'm impressed. For someone who's never owned a were dog that was good" Chelsea says smiling as we walked to our side of the school. "Well ever since I found out there was a were dog shelter I wanted a were dog so I kinda knew how to treat a weredog for a while now" I say entering our classroom and sitting in my desk. "Makes sense, I always knew you wanted Blondie when you lived with us" Willow says smiling and sitting beside me. Soon class started and everyone was quietly doing their work until the PA system went off. (Y/n) needs to head down to the weredog section of the building immediately the secretary said into the speaker. "Thats stupid, she doesnt even own a weredog!" Some guy said on the other side of the room, Amelia glared at him "she adopted two weredogs over the weekend dingus" the guy looked embarrassed and immediately went quiet.

I got up and left the room quickly hoping neither of them got hurt, I made it to the weredog section and saw Terrance sitting on a bench in the hallway sobbing. "Terrance!! What happened??" I ask sitting beside him. He quickly hugged me "I didn't wanna be abandoned again!! You were gone for too long" he said sobbing into my shoulder. I hugged him back "Terrance. Im not that far from you, and i told you this morning I wasnt gonna abandon you. I love you, im not gonna hurt you like that." he keeps crying into my shoulder shaking "is the classroom nice? do you feel safe in there?" He sits up and sniffles "yeah... But i just dont want you to leave me" he says hiccuping "I'm not leaving you. We are in the same building only doors separate us. you dont have to stress, i said i would come spend time with you at lunch remember?" He sighs "when is lunch??" I pull out my phone and look at the time "2 hours from now. Its only 10am" i say calmly "and if you dont think about how scared you are I bet those 2 hours will go by super quick" i say smiling and rubbing his back.

He sniffles again and sighs "I'm sorry for being so annoying. I just don't wanna have to go through the same thing ive gone through 5 times" I shrug "you wont have to and you arent being annoying. I don't mind a small break from my classmates, they tend to be annoying" I say smiling at him. He smiles back "now go back in there and have fun OK?" he nods and gets up, I get up as well and he walks to the classroom. "Be brave. You can do this" he looks back at me and smiles before going into the classroom.

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