Chapter 3

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A couple of hours later the lunch bell rang which signalled I could go to the were dog section and spend time with my were dogs. I got up from my desk and walked out of the classroom, I heard Willow follow me "(y/n)!! Wait up! I get that you wanna see your do- um I mean friends but you cant just run off without atleast giving us a heads up" she says catching up to me as I round the corner. I stopped and laughed "sorry Willow. I just wanna make sure Terrance is OK" she shrugs and leans against the wall, "hes with Blondie and Fern im sure he's fine" i sighed "yeah but i promised him I would sit with him at lunch" Willow groaned "(y/n) you cant cling to him forever. I know he was neglected and returned like 4 times but hes gotta make friends and open up on his own as well. Besides youll see him after school wont you?" I frowned "im not clinging to him, when i left the classroom eariler he was crying in the hallway. Hes scared and skittish" Willow rolls her eyes "okay well Blondie was skittish the first time i got him. Now come on, I wanna eat with you Amelia and Chelsea without the were dogs. We gotta catch up girl!" She says impatiently, I look at the door that led to weredog section and sighed.

"If he goes insane I'm blaming you" she laughs and grabs my are leading me away from the were dog section. Soon lunch had ended and we had 10 minutes to get back to class, I quickly left the lunch table using the bathroom as an excuse and rushed to the weredog section. I hadnt paid enough attention to my friends due to the amount of stress I was experiencing from not being able to check on Terrance. I walked into the lunch area and scanned the room, a couple of people were eating with some weredogs other then that it was just full of them. I smiled spotting Terrance, Sammy, Fern, Duke and Blondie all sitting together laughing and chatting. Instantly I felt relieved seeing he was fitting in just fine even Sammy seemed to be having fun. I watched them for a bit when i felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see a cute tall weredog looking a bit upset. "Excuse me miss can you please move so I can grab a drink?" I looked behind myself to see the drink table "oh crap im sorry bud" i say moving out of his way. He smiled "wow thank you for being so kind" he smiles wider "my owners arent like th- oh no! I said too much!! They are gonna send me away for sure" he runs off quickly going to cower in the corner and whimper. My heart started hurting at this image, i began to debate to talk to him maybe introduce him to my weredogs.

I walked over cautiously "hey do you have any friends here?" I asked calmly. He looked up at me "I just moved here with my master. You might know her, her name is Abby" I shrugged knowing there was a new girl but I never really talked to her. "I've seen her around, say ive got some weredogs that im sure you will enjoy making friends with, would you like to meet them?" He smiles at me and looks surprised "yeah! That sounds great! Youd really do that for me?" I smile and help him up "yeah they are new here too. I'm sure youll get along great" i lead the boy to the table Terrance and Sammy were sitting at. Terrance looks up at me "mom! Hey! Ive gotten on Dukes good side" he says proudly. i giggle and Duke rolls his eyes, "good job buddy." Terrance looks over at the boy beside me "Hey Nash! Whats up?" Nash whimpers and looks at me "how do you know my name?" Fern giggles "the teacher introduced you to the class, dont you remember?" Nash blushes "oh.. Right" he says hiding his face. Terrance moves over "sit with us Nash!" Duke groans "great more people. Hey human can you give us space now?" He says annoyed. I sigh "yeah ive gotta get to class anyways. You guys have fun ok?" I say watching Nash sit down beside Terrance and taking a sip out of his drink. "Miss? can i tell Abby about you?" He says looking at me curiously. I smile and nod "I'll see you guys after school!" I turn away and walk out "shes too cheerful" i hear Duke say "oh shut up Mr Grumpy Tail" I hear Fern say then everyone starts laughing as Duke groans.

I walk back into my classroom and see that class had already started, Willow gestured to run to my seat so I did. The teacher turned around and raised an eyebrow at me "where on earth were you? Is this gonna be a habit Miss (last name)?" I sigh slightly embarrassed as the whole class laughs. "Sorry Mrs Felix. it won't happen again" The teacher looks satisfied and continues with the lesson. Soon school had ended and it was time to head home, I went to my locker and started packing my books into my bag then headed to the weredog section, I looked around finally spotting Sammy and Terrance "mom!! This was the best day ive ever had! We learnt so much! Sammy show mom your drawing!!" He says happily, sammy unfolds a piece of paper and holds up a really nice drawing of a bumblebee on a flower. I smile "wow! You have more talent then i do!" I say shocked and in awe. He smiles and lets out a small 'eee' sound and hugs my leg. I scooped him up and snuggled him, he buried his face into my neck "I missed you mom" Terrance says watching Sammy hug me. "i missed you too buddy. Lets go home" i say leading him out of thr building still carrying Sammy. "TERRANCE" I hear a voice call I look over confused Terrance does too and we spot Nash and a red haired girl running out of the building towards us. Terrance smiles slightly "hey Nash" he says the girl runs over to me huffing and puffing. "Nash holy crap, you know running isnt my thing" she says groaning "ah crap cramp" she clutches her stomach. "are you ok?" I ask snickering a little, she nods standing up "he runs too fast" she says wiping sweat off her forehead. "Well im Abby. You must be the girl who introduced my pup to your pups then right?" I nod smiling "yep, im (y/n)" she smiles "im so glad he finally has friends. None of the weredogs at my old school liked him, they bullied him" i frowned "aw thats sad" i look over at Terrance and Nash who were talking about their favorite types of meat. Sammy was asleep in my arms, Abby looked at him in awe "hes so small. Whats his name?" I smile "Sammy. It was his first day just like the other two over there, you can tell hes tired" i say laughing. Abby laughs as well and looks at her phone. "Aw crap, Nash! We gotta go!! My soccer practice starts soon" she says sighing, Nash looks over a terrified look on his face. She glares at him and he changes his expression immediately. "Aww already?" He says nervously. She sighs "yep lets go. See you around (y/n)" she then grabs Nash by his wrist and leads him away.

Terrance looks at me confused "mom. He looked really scared" he says "I thought I was the only one who noticed. Let's talk about it at home OK?" He nods and I lead him home.

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