if you'll be my star i'll be your sky

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After Yeonjun was done yelling at his mother, I pulled him into his room.
"Yeonjun what was that?" I asked
"What do you mean? I was just defending you. I was fighting for our relationship" he said
"I know Yeonjun, but I don't want you arguing with your mother over me" I said
"Y/N I don't want my mother thinking you're a horrible person for the rest of our lives"
"You really think we'll be together forever?" I asked
"Of course Y/N. I love you so much I want to spend the rest of my life with you"
"Me too. I really do. But maybe we should sort things out with you mom"
"We should. Let's go" he said
The second we were about to leave I received a call from Jimin.
"You go. I'm just going to take this and I'll be right out" I told him
"Okay" he said leaving
I picked up the phone.
"Hey Jimin what's up?"
"So I know this is going to sound weird but Jungkook ex girlfriend wants to meet up with you"
"Ummmm yeah that is weird. When?" I asked
"Right now. After you left I heard a knock at the door and she asked me if she could talk to you"
"Ok I'm on my way"

I stepped out of the room. I walked to the living room.
"Guys I have to go. I kind of have to go home. Jimin needs me" I told them
"Okay. Goodnight. Drive safe" Yeonjun said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I left through the door. I got in my car and drove home.

When I got home I seen a car parked in the driveway. I went in. Jimin was sitting next to a girl with black hair and brown eyes. She was short. When she seen me she got up and gave me hug. I hugged back. She was a sweet girl.
"Hi I'm Jungkook's ex girlfriend" she said
"Wow we barely met and we already have something in common" I said making her laugh.
"My name is R/N. I wanted to meet you. When I met Jungkook he was really depressed and I wondered why. Then I realized he was still not over his ex. I thought I had to find you so here we are"
"Well there's nothing to say really. Except I do have one question. Was Jungkook ever happy? Like was there a day that went by that he wasn't thinking about me"
"To me he seemed happy. I thought I made him happy but that probably wasn't the case. He was always hung up on you" she said
"I'm so sorry. Jungkook shouldn't have made someone miserable just because he hadn't moved on" I told her
"No it's fine. Plus I found someone new" she said
"Is it okay if I ask who?" I asked
"Yes in fact it's your brother, Jimin. I'm sorry if that's not what you expected"
"No it's fine. As long as you're both happy I'm happy"
"Okay now I can see why Jungkook was still hung up on you. You're so nice and sweet" she said
"Aww thanks but I'm not. So, how long have you and Jimin been together"
"Well since me and Jungkook broke up. I wasn't happy in the relationship. Since I worked/still work at BigHit, Jimin noticed that I was a little sad so he asked me out"
"Wait so you've been dating for like 2 weeks and Jimin still hasn't told me. That son of a bitch. And I work sat BigHit to. I used to work with BTS but now I work with TXT" I told her
"Oh wow. Who's your favourite in TXT?" she asked
"That would have to be my boyfriend, Yeonjun"
"Oh you're dating Yeonjun. That's good. Are you happy?"
"I am. Except last week Jungkook had to ruin it and beat the living shit out of him literally almost killing him. Yeonjun basically broke up with me. But we just fixed it. His mom thinks I'm the reason for almost killing her son so she hates me. So after we're done here I got to go to their dorm and talk with his mother"
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I was keeping you from going somewhere. You can go"
"Okay thanks"
"Bye" she said giving me a hug

732 words
Saturday, March 23rd 2019

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