Chapter 11: Dinner part 2

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"Gosh where do I start? See that girl her name's Felicity, she used to be my girlfriend but things didn't work out. She prefers to date school quarterback, Raymond Palmer," Barry explained. "Ah, that explains why she couldn't look at you. She must have felt awkward," Caitlin said.  "What about you, Cait? Have you had any boyfriends?" Cisco asked. "Nope, as Sara loves to say NBSB," Caitlin replied. "What's NBSB mean," Barry asked confused. "Oh, that means No Boyfriend Since Birth," this time it was Sara who answered. "Thats hard to believe," Barry said. "Well, believe it. She may be NBSB but she was no innocent.  You should see her and Sara together when they go out to a party together. Their outfits is enough to give Carla, Thomas and I a heart attack. Right, Carla?" Laurel explained. "Yeah, I'm only 31 and my hair has already started to turn grey. It's all because of the outfits they wear when they go out and the state they come home. Remember that night they came home so hyper they didn't fall asleep until what 6 or 7 in the morning. They were lucky it was the summer holidays," Carla said. "Really mom, you just had to bring that up. Sara and I didn't even have the energy to get up until dinner time," Cait stated. "Yeah, but it was one of the best times we had together," Sara exclaimed.

A different waiter came and took all their orders. While they waited for their food to arrive Laurel and Carla started talking to each other about their work leaving the teens to their own conversation. "So Sara tell us about yourself,"Cisco asked genuinely interested. "Well, I'm 19 and I'm in 5th year, basically a year ahead of you three. I'm doing all three major science subjects and engineering. I wanna be a biomedical engineer. I know martial arts and I love archery," Sara descried herself. "Tell us about your family, if you don't mind and how you met Caitlin?" Barry asked. "Well, there's not much to say. You know Laurel, she's my only sibling. My parents divorced about 3 years ago. Laurel and I used to live with dad until he became a drunk. Laurel got a job as the ADA of Star City, moved out and got an apartment for both of us to live in. Laurel met aunt Carla's brother, Stephen about a year after. we moved out, that's how I met Cait. they got married a year later and split 6 months after, because he cheated. Laurel and aunt Carla got really close to each other during her marriage. thy kept in touch after Laurel and Stephen split. Like Cait I'm NBSB but I like to party," Sara explained.

"Speaking of parties, have you got a date for the homecoming yet, Barry?" Cisco asked. "Nah, I don't think I'm going to go this year. I still have no date and it's next week," Barry said a bit disappointed. "What about you, Cait?" Cisco turned to his other friend. "Yeah, no. I don't have a date either since I just started," Caitlin said also disappointed. "So what you're both saying is that you are going to ditch me at homecoming. Come on, Cait this is your first homecomng here," Cisco said in disbelief. "Hey, I got an idea Barry why don't you take Cait to homecoming since you're both... Ouch! What the hell Cait?" Sara exclaimed as Caitlin pinched her thighs. The adults looked up from their conversation after hearing Sara's yelp. "Let me talk to you for a minute Sara," Caitlin said not amused. They got up and went to the toilet. "What the hell do you think your doing, Sara? 'Why don't you take Cait to homecoming?'. Explain yourself," Cait said as soon as they got to the toilet. "Well it's true you're both dateless. I also have eyes, I see the way he looks at you, it's the way a dog looks at a can of dog food. He likes you and from your reaction to my idea it seems you like him too," Sara told her. "I don't know if I lke the idea of being compared to a can of dog food. Yeah I like him but you don't know for sure if he likes me," Cait replied. "Well go to homecoming with him and see where it goes from there," Sara encouraged. "I guess you're right," Caitlin said as they got out of the toilet. "I'm always because I'm older," Sara teased causing Caitlin to laugh and hit her playfully. 

When they reached the table Laurel was now engaged in a conversation with Barry. "Hey. What are you guys talking about?" Cait asked. "Oh, Ms. Lance was just telling me stories about you when you were younger," Barry said. Caitlin and Carla bursted out laughing at the look on Laurel's face after being called Ms. Lance. "It's Laurel, I'm not old enough to be called Ms. Lance," Laurel said. "Oh sorry," Barry apologised. "Anyway as I was telling you before someone interrupted us, Cait used ice-skate when she was younger. She loved it but she kept slipping and falling on her butt. It was adorable," Laurel shared. 

After a few more memories of younger Cait was shared it was time to go home. "Kids it's time to go home. You three have class tomorrow and Sara, your shift start at 8:00 in the morning. Let's go," Carla said as she called for the waiter to bring the bill. "We'll drop the boys off at their houses before we go home, to save them money for a cab," Laurel said in response. They all get in the car and the first to be dropped off was Cisco as his house was closer. "See you guys tomorrow," Cisco said. "Yeah, don't be late," Cait teased him. Then it was off to drop Barry off to his place. "See you tomorrow, Cait. I had a lot of fun tonight. Thanks for dinner Carla, Laurel," Barry said as he got out of the car. "No problem, Barry," Both Laurel and Carla replied. "Oh one more thing. That suggestion Sara made during dinner, what do you say Cait? I'll only go if you say yes," Barry said. "Um....I guess I say yes. I'd be happy to go with you," Caitlin said. "Great, we can plan things out tomorrow during break. Also thanks for the idea Sara and good luck tomorrow," Barry to said. " Yeah no problem and thanks," Sara replied as Barry went into his house. "He seems to be a great kid, very polite. I like him," Carla said as they drove off. "It seems that you're not the only one who likes him. From the looks of it little Cait here will no longer be NBSB, by next  week," Laurel teased Caitlin. "I have no idea what you're talking about right now," Caitlin denied. "I'm sure you don't. Hey aunt Carla do you think you can fix my schedule for next week. I wanna help Cait get ready for her homecoming date with Barry," Sara said as she winced when Cait elbowed her in her ribs. "Sure, I'll see what I can do. Just don't wear something that's going to give me Laurel, me and especially Barry a heart attack, okay girls?" Carla said. "I promise I'll try not to go overboard," Sara said with a wink. They finally reached the house. "Sara, you and Caitlin can share her room for now until Naomi has fixed the other guest room for you. Laurel, your usual room is as you left it the last time you were here. Goodnight all of you," Carla said as she made her way up the stairs to her room leaving the three women to say their goodnight. After all the goodnight were said they all went to their rooms to sleep.


Thank you guys for reading, rating and leaving comment. I'm really sorry I haven't updated for such a long time. I've been really busy with life. I'm in college now so life is a bit hectic.

I promise I'll try to put out another chapter sometime today or tomorrow. 

Next chapter: More characters are introduced. Plans about homecoming made up. Cait and Barry grow closer together.




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