26: Mint

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Emma sat next to her mother. "Bob, this is my mother, Miley; she wants to ask you something vital."

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Your wife," Miley said. "What was her name?"

"Evelina Mile," he said.

"And how did you meet her?" Miley asked.

"She lived in the woods in an abandoned cottage," he said. "I accidentally ruined her crops, and she beat me for it. She was a tough woman. It was love at first sight; the moment I met her, I knew she was the one. It wasn't easy getting her to trust me. She was always looking over her shoulder as if someone was going to come out and hurt her. Eventually, she finally said yes to me, and we got married. My wife became Evelina Kenzie Mile. She was everything to me, that wild red hair and greens eyes. Evelina was a very, distinguished woman." Bob smiled. "Evelina freckles were the most attractive thing about her. After we got married, we had a son, Carter, he was a toddler when an evil man took him from us, and we looked all over for him, but we never found him until a few months later."

Emma looked at Shaun, who was playing with Aken. "What happened to your wife?" Emma asked. "How did she die?"

"Giving birth to Evelyn," he said. "Evelina made me promise that no matter what, I would take care of our girls. And I so far, I have, until lycans came into our lives and things have gotten messy. But they are in good hands."

"I see," Emma smiled.

"Mint and she look alike," Miley said. "Did Mint had a small dark spot on her hip?"

"Yes," Bob frowned. "Shaun has it too."

"And a scar under her neck?" Miley asked.

Bob sat up. "How do you know that? Evelina said she got it when she fell in a bush with thorns."

"No," Miley smiled. "She got it from a fight with another wolf. Evelina and Mint are the same women. And there is no way she would've had died from childbirth. You see, we come from a clan with healing abilities; we heal faster than others. Mint was my sister, not really, but we grew up together; another clan killed her parents, she was the daughter of our clans Alpha. You can now understand why your daughters draw so much danger."

"I see," Bob frowned. "But she died, Evelina is dead. I bury her body."

"Where?" Miley stood. "I want to check her gravesite."

"Near the cottage, where I met her," Bob said. "I'll take you there."

Emma stood. "Shaun, I'm going with them."

"I'll go too," Shaun stood and held Aken. "Come on; buddy, let's go take a stroll." Emma smiled and followed them out.

The walk wasn't that far, and to Emma's surprise, it was the same little cottage where she and Shaun spent time together.

"See," Bob said. "She's right there; her grave is intact."

Miley knelt and touched the ground. "No, she's not in there, Bob, my sister, is still alive. You did say she was cautious; whoever must've had been after her finally caught up to her. Mint could've had faked her death. But why? Why didn't she ask for help?"

"It seems our family has more secrets than we thought," Emma said. "How can we find Mint?"

"We can't," Miley said. "Mint was unique; she was good at hiding her scent. I think giving birth was her weakest point. And having Evelyn must've had gotten the attention of this person. Whatever happened, only Mint knows. Someday, Mint will come back. I'm sorry, Bob that you had to find out like this. If you don't believe me dig her grave up, and you will know the truth."

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