Chapter 8: forgive and forget.

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The brunette of course forgave the blonde for leaving her, after all she was leaving to do her job. She decided after the younger blonde left that she would stop feeling sorry for herself and get up and active. Emily walked down to the kitchen and began preparing a meal for herself. She didnt want to do too much work so all she made was Spaghetti, then brought a glass of wine and her plate over to the couch. After binge watching csi reruns on tv Emily decided she needed something stronger to drink and went to the cupboard, once inside she grabbed whiskey. She didn't even bother pouring it she just dragged herself back to the couch with the whole bottle. The brunette sat there for what felt like hours drinking every last drop of the liquid inside. She stumbled back up the stairs and back into bed. Emily knew by this time tomorrow the blonde would be out of her mind completely she probably wouldn't remember anything that had happened throughout the day.

The next morning....
The brunette woke up to a warmth beside her, she groggily opened her eyes suddenly feeling the huge headache she had from the night before. "Jen is that you?" She said in a whisper. "Who else would it be my love" the blonde responded. "Some blonde I picked up" Emily said trying to be funny but earning a swat from JJ. "Haha funny, so what did you do while I was gone miss can't open her eyes and probably has a headache" the younger woman said questioning the older one. "I sulked and drank until every possible thing I was feeling was gone" the older woman said pulling the blanket over her head. JJ wrapped her arms around her lover "I will be the best girlfriend ever and go get you some Advil and water" she said laying a gently kiss on Emily's neck earning a grunt from her. JJ went down the stairs to the kitchen and what she found worried her and saddened her. She found a huge empty bottle of whiskey and a half empty wine bottle. The blonde knew Emily wasn't okay but she didn't realize this was how bad it got when she left her for a few hours or a day. She put the empty bottle in the garbage and poured a glass of water grabbing pills out of the cupboard. The young blonde walked back up the stairs to find an empty room, that only meant one thing the older brunette was probably puking right now. JJ put down the glass and pills and ran to the bathroom to hold Emily's hair back. "You okay em" the younger woman said placing a kiss on the side of the older woman's head. "I think so" the brunette said wiping her mouth and getting up. "So would you like to talk about why you were drinking so much while I was gone" JJ said giving Emily the water and pills. The only response she got was "Jen don't". "Don't what Emily? Don't worry about you and what will happen when I leave even just for a small case. I would never forgive myself if I came back here and found you had taken your own life. Not after Roslyn I've already lost one person I held dear to me I DONT WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER." The petite blonde said raising her voice a little too high. The tall brunette's face read that she was now hurt and ticked off. "GET OUT! NOW" she yelled at the younger blonde hoping that maybe just maybe she would get the hint that she didn't want to talk about it any of it, the feelings, the pain, everything. If JJ wasn't hurting before she was now, she pulled on her skinny jeans and v-neck shirt and grabbed her purse. She slammed the door and ran down the stairs, she sat on the bottom stair sobbing. That's when it hit Emily who JJ had been talking about. Roslyn was JJs deceased sister. "Shit" she said sighing.

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