Locked In

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Y/N's P.O.V

You were chasing Chara. She stole your chocolate again. She went into your room. You looked in the room. She was hiding. You closed the door behind you just in case she sneaks past me. Then you hear a shuffle. It came from your closet. You opened it and Chara bolted out heading for the door. Good thing you closed it. You wrapped your arms around her before she could grab the knob.
"Give it" you say
She boops your nose. You grab it from her and hold it in the air where she can't reach.
"I'm gonna let go of you now, don't try anything".
You et go of her. She then tackles you and you two both end up on the floor. You start laughing but then she cuddles with you.
"What are you planning".
"Nothing, whats wrong with me cuddling".
The she reaches over you, grabs the chocolate and bolts for the door. You decide to let her go. She twists the knob and nothing happens.
"What the".
She trys harder but it doesn't open. You stand up and try, no results.
"I think we're locked in here, the door is jammed".
You lay down on your bed with your face down on the pillow.
"No one's home either, were stuck in here" you say.
It comes out muffled because of the pillow. Then you feel weight on your back which causes pain.
She is sitting on your back. You hear her giggle. You struggle trying to get her off. Then you stop and give up.
She then lays on you. You then move making her fall of you. You look to your side and see Chara laying there on the bed with you. She then cuddles with you.
"No cuddling".
After that you say nothing and let her cuddle.
"That's right, let me cuddle you, good boy" she says.
After a minute or two you push her away. She has a frown on her face. She tries to cuddle with you but you don't let her. She boops your nose again. Then you boop hers. You get out of the bed but she pulls you back.
"No" she says.
She makes your nose touch hers.
Then you push her off the bed.
"Y/N" she yells.
"Sorry things were getting weird".
"No they weren't".
"You sure about that".
You go to the door and try but nothing happens. Then you hear someone opening a wrapper. You look behind me.
"You gonna share that" you say.
Then she gives you a piece anyway. After she finishes she searches your room.
"Whatcha doing".
"Making sure you haven't haven't broke the law, oh look I found a drink".
You look over and see her holding a bottle of red liquid.
She begins chugging it.
"You sure that safe, you don't even know what it is".
"Yes I do, it's red water".
Every few seconds she would drink it. After a few minutes she finishes the bottle.
"You sure were thirsty" you say.
"Im super tired" She responds.
She sits beside you, She leans her head on you. She whispers into your ear.
"You're the greatest friend ever"
She bristles her mouth against your mouth. You get a pleasant shiver. She then kisses you. You don't do anything but then you very softly kiss her back. You both only last a few seconds until you push her away.
"Chara what's wrong".
"I'm perfectly fine" she says.
She tries to kiss you again. This isn't like Chara. Then you remember the bottle. You get up and grab it. You find a small marking that says Wine. Of course. Chara then wrapps her arms around you. You head to the door and try again. Still jammed. Chara keeps trying to do weird things.
"Chara calm down".
You grab her and put her on the bed. It was time to go sleep and Chara wasn't calming down. You make a bed on the ground with blankets then turn off the lights. Chara comes down with you. She cuddles with you. You just hug her and hope she sleeps. It's a good thing the others won't return until the late morning. She then calms down falling asleep cuddling you. You also manage to fall asleep.

[Timeskip bought to you by TemFlakes]

You wake up and see Chara next to me. Thank God the others aren't here yet. You wake up Chara. She looks at you and quickly stands up.
"Why was I sleeping with you" she says.
"That's what you get when you drink a bottle full of a unknown substance, it was wine".
She looks worried,
"Did we.....You know do...".
"No of course not".
A wave of relief hits her.
"But you did do some weird things to me".
"...what kind of things".
"I rather not talk about that".
Then you hear
Then you two go to the door and yell

Knowing that soon you will be released from the room with Chara fills you with LOVE

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