Time To Get Wet

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Y/N's P.O.V

You all exit the ruins, for you it was your first time. You all walk through a snowy place.
"This is Snowdin" Frisk says.
The whole time you walked through there you felt like someone was watching us. You all eventually make to a place called waterfall. You all change into your bathing suits. Chara comes out of the changing room.
"How do I look" she says.
You know she's just trying to make me blush so you say "terrible like always".
She frowns.
"you really know how to treat a girl don't you".
"Come on you know it was a joke" you say.
"Then be honest". She says.
"Fine, you look like someone ready to swim".
"Good enough" she responds.
You all make it to the edge of a giant pool with a waterfall. For the whole time you take care of yourself because you know that Chara is looking for the right time to push you in. But while looking at the pool you get distracted by its beauty. You feel an hand touch your back. You quickly turn around and wrap Chara with your arms.
"You're going down with me".
Then with Chara being stuck and unable to move you jump in the pool. You feel water surround both of you. You get used to your vision in the water and look at Chara to see her smiling. Then you realize that your faces are so close together that our noses are touching. You two float slowly to the surface. You then put more space between you two.

Chara's P.O.V
I wish we stayed like that for more time before we had separated. The surface is right above our heads. Then I come out breathing for oxygen. But I don't see Y/N. I look around for him but then again water surrounds me. I look down and see Y/N grabbing my legs. He pulled me underwater. Then I wrapped my arms around him and held him very tight. Our foreheads were touching and all we could see were each others eyes. We stayed there underwater in that position for a few seconds. We would run out of oxygen soon. I could hold my breath for a couple of minutes but I don't know if Y/N can.. I then decide to go up but my foot was stuck on something. He was stuck too. I look down and see some kind of plant tangled between our feet. I got worried after seeing Y/N struggle for breathe. Then I remembered that Toriel taught me a way to give some one oxygen. I used my fingers to pry my open his mouth and then a quickly as possible I put my mouth on his. I gave him the little oxygen that was in my mouth. Then he wasn't struggling to breathe. I then managed to rip the plant apart setting us free.

Frisk's P.O.V

I was starting to get worried. Ever since they jumped in the water only Chara popped her head out once but then went right back down. Then I see them both come out of the water gasping for air. Then I run and jump into the water next to them. It splashed water all over them. Y/N shielded Chara from all the water. Then I swam closer to them. "What happened to you two" I asked. They both looked at each other and say
"it's a long story".
Then we got out of the water and found a table to sit at. Chara excuses herself to the bathroom.
"So what were you two doing" I ask in a suspicious voice.
"Don't get the wrong idea, we got stuck on a plant underwater and Chara actually saved my life".
I wish I had saved him.
"But we were down in the first place because of Chara".
That made me feel a little bit better.
"I'm gonna order us some ice cream" I say.
Just as I leave I see someone sneaking behind Y/N

Y/N's P.O.V

You jump in your stool and feel weight on top of your head. You instantly knew it was Chara.
"Yep that's me".
She was behind you and you could feel her body since it was making contact with your back. Her chin was resting on your head.
"Chara go sit".
"Nope I like it here".
"P-Please Chara".
Then you feel the weight go away and you see Chara sitting in her chair, you buried your face in my arm full of embarrassment. Chara got close to your face and whispered
"what's wrong".
Even though she knew.
"Why would you do that and what if Frisk saw, you might have hurt her".
"Why, does she like you"? She said.
"I don't know, I told her happened to us and she had a look on her face".
After a few seconds of silence she says
"do you like her"?
"I mean we just met a couple of days ago, I don't know yet".
Chara was good at hiding her feelings but sometimes she forgot to. You see a wave of sadness come across their face. But as soon as it came it was gone. Then Frisk came back with the ice cream.
"Hi Chara I got you two ice cream".
You all chated for a bit. Frisk finished her ice cream and stood up.
"I'm gonna hang out in the pool for a little while".
Then she left you and Chara to sit there in silence. But then
"wanna taste mine" Chara says.
You ignore the fact that she already licked it a couple of times and licked it. It was delicious.
"Taste mine" you said.
After that you two chatted and shared your ice creams with each other. You see a piece of ice cream on her cheek. You put your finger on her cheek and clean the ice cream off her cheek then licked your finger. You looked at her in surprise. She was blushing. You smiled. The blush quickly disappears.
"You saw nothing" she says.
Then you two finish your ice cream, you two go get Frisk from the pool and go home.

Sharing ice cream with Chara fills you with LOVE

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