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The Alpha of our pack is dead, and his oldest is taking leadership of the pack. The new Alpha's name is Danny, and no one has seen him in seven years because he was away in the army. Two weeks ago a rumor went around the pack that Danny was back and the Alpha was very sick. Now we all know that it was true. 

In our pack does not mourn the loss of an Alpha, rather we celebrate our new Alpha's arrival. There are two parties held, one is held more formally, and the other is held on the Alpha's compound at midnight. I have to attend both on the account of my sister, my guardian, who has her own pups. 

I heard from my sister that the new Alpha and I have many things in common, and by that she means he doesn't have a mate. That is not uncommon in our race of werewolves though simply because we do not mate the way others do. Because of so many humans being bred into our line, we became different. We do not see our mate and automatically fall in love. Our mating bonds are formed over time, even if time somewhat means three days. The race of werewolves is usually called Humere. 

It is better than most races of Were because we do not really run the risk of being rejected by our mate if they don't want us. That can also mean that we are slower to find mates though. Hints why I am twenty-four and still mate-less. 

I am not like most of the wolves in my pack, because I am half and half. It makes my wolf different than the rest of the packs. My wolf is not as active as a normal one should be, and I did not hear my wolf until a year after everyone else did. It made me stand out among the rest of the pack. It could also meet that I could mate either way, the way that is shunned among my pack. My sister, Astra, mated the way our Humere father did. If I have any luck left in this world, I will be the same way. 

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