Chapter 1

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Hey again!
Just a little note~
I wanna say that I'm really thankful to my friends for always supporting me.
Enjoy the story :)

"Moooorning~." Sam greeted me with a hug. She's not a big fans of hug. What is wrong with her? I tried to pull away until I heard Frey voice.

"Hey watch out!." Frey pushed me aside. I don't know what happened until I bumped into something hard but soft. How should I said it? It's a foreign feeling for me.

"Hey! What the hell man? Watch where you goin'!" A tall boy with broad shoulders said to me with annoyed expression on his face. 'Wow' that's the only word that crossed my mind.

I just stood there don't know what to say. I must admit it he's good looking, his hair is blonde- dark blonde actually, his eyes is blue, he have freckles that look cute on him and a long eyelashes. But what's with that attitude? He's rude. Such a waste of look. I snap out of my thoughts when he snap his hand in front of me.

"Hey you okay? You didn't forgot how to breathe right?." I heard his friends snickering behind him.

"Fuck off." I said with a calm face and walk away.

"Wha- Reine what the hell was that?!." Frey following me with a shocked expression, so did Sam.

"Hey were you always this rude before?" Sam said with a face full of doubt.

Well I'm not. I'm not always this rude before, I'm confused myself. I'm always being this polite girl even though it's forced, well at least I've tried right?

"I don't know, I'm just pissed I think." Sighing I started walking to class. Don't know what happened to me, I think I'm just tired that's all. Frey and Sam just exchanged confused look and following me behind.

Not long after I entered the class and do a little sketch, Mr. Edward arrived at the class.

"Hello class! I have some announcement that you might like or maybe not. So the first announcement is that you all gonna have a new classmate, not new exactly. Maybe all of you already know him. So yeah he's been away for 3 months. Come in Xander." Mr. Edward waving at the doorway. I can hear a sequel and giggles from the girl like they excited over something, but I don't know what.

Ugh I hate new people.
Well I might be new here too. We just move from our previous house for almost 2 months because of my mom job. And because the previous house is my father's. So yeah he take it back.

While I'm scribbling something on my sketchbook I hear Mr. Edward calling my name. What the hell Squidward- I mean Mr. Edward. He's always annoyed when someone doesn't pay attention to him and sometimes they get detention. I don't want that so I quickly raised my head and stand to look directly at him.

"Yes Mr. Edward?" Wow my hands trembling.

"Did you pay attention to me? You're new here. So you might want to introduce yourself to Xander, he's going to be your classmate, okay?" Mr. Edward said while pointing at the boy beside him. Oh shit. My brain already scream 'Danger' to me.

"Well uh... Hiimreine." Waving my trembling hand a little to fast and go back sitting again suddenly found the chair highly comfortable.

"Pfft." I shoot my head up again. Did someone just laugh at me? Hey yeah I know I'm socially awkward, but it's rude to laugh at someone like that!

"Sorry Mr. Edward, I can't get what she's saying." The other students start laughing at his comment- well I think they're laughing at me.

"Sorry missie, you might be want to introduced yourself again or I'm just gonna start calling you Bumpie. Because you just bumped into me this morning." He's fckin' smirking and wink at me. Oh okay, this is a messed up love and hate feeling. I love his look, but I hate his attitude. End of the speech.

"Look Mr I-don't-know who. It's not important what you're gonna call me because I don't care, and I won't care. I don't wanna have anything to do with you anyway." You should look at his and Mr. Edward face. It's priceless, like he's just getting dumped by his crush- oh wow, it's feel like I'm the crush. And why is Mr. Edward shocked too? Of course he's shocked, like I said before I'm a polite girl this whole time. There's nothing much about me, so 1 month is enough to know me right? You can't blame me, the whole school know- well not the whole school, just a few people that know me.

"Mr. Edward I'd like to take the seat behind her." That Xander boy said to Mr. Edward with a little glare. Well I don't know what power he had, because Mr. Edward look a little scared, and agreeing.

"Well Miss Lewis, would you mind if Mister Goldrake took your seat?" Mr. Edward pointing at the girl behind me.

"Yes of course Mr. Edward, Xander can sit here." She said while smiling widely at Xander. Eww she looks like Joker. And I already know that she has a crush on Xander. Well everybody does, maybe me too. If his attitude isn't resemble a shit.

I lower my head to look at my sketch and realize I made so many mistake on my drawing while Xander walk toward his seat.

"And for the second announcement, we have a project for next week. You will be paired with another student in this class." Wow great. Just GREAT. I already have a bad feeling about this.

Mr. Edward started mentioning the student name in pair. And when he called my name I shoot my head up quickly. I just hope it's someone normal, not too lazy to do the project, etc. You know what I mean right? Who want to be paired with a lazy students anyway.

"You will be paired with Xander, Miss Goldman." He said pointing at me, then Xander, and then back at me.

Yes, the girl character name is Reine Goldman and the boy is Xander Goldrake. Weird right? I know. My bad :)
Other character will appear soon, beside Sam and Frey ofc lol.


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