The Beginning

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I drove home and pulled up in my driveway.  I wonder what my daddy called me home for. I walked in the house and i saw luggage by the door. Whats going on? "Dad!" I yelled as i was searching the house for him. I called his name again and i heard stuff moving around upstairs. As i grew closer to the room he was in i saw him packing."Dad whats going on? Who's luggage is that and why are you packing?" I asked him anxiously. It Was A Silence For A Min. "Hello Dad..." "Oh, I'm sorry i called you home because I'm going away for a while and with you being the oldest i want you to look after the house and your brother and sister." he said.

   Hold up what he mean he going away for a while where the hell is he suppose to be going? "Umm.. Where are you going? And how long is a while?" I know he dont think he finna leave and just leave me to take care of them i dont have a job i cant pay for all of us. "Imma be gone for 11-12 months on a business trip and imma leave you with $140,000 and when i get where im going ill send more money." What He mean that's a year. "Are you serious? What type of work could you possibly be doing for a year that you have to leave? I see if you said a couple of weeks but years... Really dad? And what are we suppose to do while your gone? We have birthdays and holidays coming up. You cant be serious." I said pissed off. "I'll send cards and money on holidays and birthdays. Just have fun see it as a vacation for me. You can do what you want just dont burn my house down. Mrs.Abby will check in on the house and i hired a maid and a cook just call them and they will come. Im asking you to become a young adult your 18 you can take care of yourself just keep your siblings in check. Youre a smart young lady. Sweetheart Im depending on you. I believe in you. Just please dont be mad at me it will benefit us in the long run i promise and this will be the longest ill ever be away from you and your siblings i promise." He looked at me and said these things with tears in his eyes. Im mad but i feel bad and i believe him. "Okay Dad. Im not mad but where will you be? And promise to write or call when you get there." i said sadly. "Im going to Texas and i promise i will i love you sweetheart thanks for everything you've really grown to be a beautiful smart girl." He hugged me and kissed me on my forehead. I smiled and left to go to my room. 30 minutes later he yelled for me downstairs. I ran downstairs and gave him a tight big hug and we shed a few tears and said our goodbyes. I watched him get in the cab and pull off. Well.. I Guess ill take another shower and think about what I'll be doing while he's gone.

-30 minutes later-

Kelly and Caleb came in arguing calling dad name. Now i have to break the news to them about dad leaving. "Dad! I know he hear us." Caleb Said. I went down stairs and they were searching the house. "You guys dad is gone for a while." I said. "How long is a while?" Kelly said. "11-12 months." I Replied. "Are You Serious?"  "Yes and he left us money and his cars are still here. And im in charge." I Said. "Okay, well im gonna go stay at my friend house for a while then." Kelly said. "Me too." said Caleb. "Well okay just get your key to the house and get your license and take one of the cars i guess." I Said. I guess ill invite Anthony over for a couple of days or something so that i wont be lonely but nothing serious.

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