Gotta Be You - Chapter 1

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I sat in my office. Bored as ever. I heard knocking on the door. 

"Come in!" 

George came walking in. He was wearing black suit, with a pink tie. His hair was gelled back, and he looked very buisness like. He smiled, and walked up to the front of my desk. He sat in the chair, and smiled as bright as I've ever seen him smile. I felt bad for George.. people didn't accept that he was gay. I didn't mind it though. He was a great boss. 

"I have some big news for you!" He said.

"Really? What is it?" 

"This is the biggest job you've ever had.. You're going to London to work with the boy band One Direction!" He said. 

"Really?! This is great!" I said.

"Annie will be going with you." He said.

"That's even better!" 

"Well, you leave next week. Be ready."

"Oh I will! Thank you so much George. Your the best boss!" I said happily. 

He smiled, and walked out of my office. Annie came running in after, smiling. Her blonde curls bouncing. Her face was glowing, her brown eyes sparkiling. 

"Were going to meet One Direction!" She said.

"I know! I'm so excited!" 

"This is the best job, EVER!" 

I smiled, ang stood up. I walked over to her, and grabbed her hands. We started jumping up and down, and laughing. We were sreaming, we were going to meet ONE DIRECTION! 

"Annie, this is the biggest job we've ever had! I can't wait!" 

"Me niether!" She said, her face still glowing. Her eyes were sparkling even more now. I let go of her hands, and just stood there smiling. 

"We need to go shopping. We need new outfits!" She said.

"Oh. Yeah! Let's go!" I said. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the room. We ran straight to the elevator, and clicked the 1st floor button. It started moving. Each time it stopped, I would get more excited. The door opened. I grabbed Annie's hand and ran straight to the door. We ran to my car. I opened the door, and got in. I buckled, and turned on the car. Annie was in her seat, buckled already. We started driving. It would take us another 10 minutes to get to the mall. 

***10 minutes later.

We arrived at the mall. We walked inside the building. We went into our favorite stores. I had picked out this outfit : - Annie had picked out this : - And put it on. It looked great on her. I put my outfit on, and walked out of the dressing room. 

"Woah! You look amazing!" Annie said.

"Really? Thanks." I said. 

We left the mall with 15 bags. We each had 4 outfits. We needed to start packing for when it was time to leave for London. We would be staying there for a year and 3 months. What I did for my job was being tour managers for singers or bands. My mother's best friend owns the comapny, so I instanly got the job. Aunt Caron was great. 2 years ago, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was one of the hardest times in my mom's life. It was her best friend, so she had a really hard time. I felt terrible. Each day my mother would cry more and more, praying Aunt Caron would make it. She did, and it was a huge relief for my whole family. There wasn't one mean bone in Aunt Caron. 

*****1 week later*****

"Oh. My. God." Annie said. "WERE IN LONDON!" 

"I know! It's great! It's so beautiful!" 

"This is going to be the greatest time of our lives!" Annie said with even more excitement. 

I wished George could be here with us. After all, he was the one who got us this job. We had 2 hotel rooms. One with the beds, bathroom and kitchen, and the other with 2 offices, another bathroom and a guest bedroom. We loved the hotel. There was a really nice pool and hottub, and a workout room with everythign you would need to get in shape. We would be meeting the boys to tonight. We would have dinner and then go to a formal party. I was so excited, and so was Annie. 

****3 hours later*****

We got in out clothes, my outfit : - And waited for Annie. She was getting dressed into her outfit. It was time for us to leave so we got in my car. We drove to the restaurant, and walked inside. We checked into our reservation, and the waitor brought us to the table. THere were the 5 boys of One Direction already sitting there. They stood up, and shook me and Annie's hands. We smiled, and they did the same. 

"I'm Harry." The curly haired on said.

"I'm Louis." The one with the perfect smile said. 



"And I'm Niall." 

"Well I'm Claire, and this is my assistant Annie." I said happily.

"Great to meet you!" Annie said, her curls bouncing. 

The boys were so cute, I couldn't even concentrate the whole time. 

Gotta Be You - Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now