Chapter 6 - Duel with a Prince

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The following morning she wakes up with a fresh set of bruises after a brutal training session with her father. True to Keera's word her father trained her until she fainted from exhaustion. When there is a knock on her door she is already up.

Rickard only agreed to Sameth's appointment if he could defeat Prince Arwin in a duel that he set up for today. She felt like she collided with Grendelow head-on. She groans as she moves around and is certain that she has bruises on her bruises. Marilyn has forgotten how taxing a training session with her father can be.

Her new bedroom, she discovers only has enough room for a single bed and a nightstand. She opens the door to find her father waiting for her. The previous day's events came crushing on her like a heavy sack of flour and weighs her down "Morning, my Lord."

"Morning Sameth. Rickard refused to take you through all the rules and regulations to protect the Prince. The King said that he will have a word with him."

Marilyn gave a heavy sigh."Rickard is not going to let me follow through on the King's appointment, is he?"

"No. He believes you are not worthy of the position. He says you must first prove yourself and Prince Arwin is of the same opinion. Arwin insists that you duel him this morning in the courtyard."

Marilyn could hear the king's livid voice all the way from the end of the hallway. As they pass the King's office she is hearing everything he is telling the captain of the guard.

"Rickard, I am still the king! I want Sameth on Arwin's protection detail before the end of this day!... I don't care about his credentials or if he can be trusted, if it is the will of the kingdom, it is LAW!... Do you think I don't know that? I have trusted the will of the kingdom ever since I became king and it has never failed me! I don't care how illogical it sounds, but the fox of fate never lies! Now get back to your duties before I remove you from your station permanently!" King Arnoldus shouts from his office.

A very angry man with short-cropped curly black hair comes out of the king's office behind Sameth. She can hear him mutter behind her about a very irresponsible king and he is placing the heir of the throne in grave danger with this stupid appointment of a recruit they don't even know if they can trust.

Aranorn's lips pull into a snarl, but he held his composure as they are heading for the courtyard. She hears quick light steps catching up to them from behind. Ashton reaches them at the same time as they all step out unto the battlements of the courtyard. Aranorn stays behind on the battlements, while Marilyn takes the staircase through the same archer tower that Ashton escorted her through to the King's office the previous day. Ashton is again short on her heels as they made their way down the archer tower.

Marilyn finds that the courtyard is packed with an assortment of soldiers and she is met with several curios stares and jeering comments as she made her way past them. They call her names like a runt, worm, small fry, pipsqueak, and many more colorful names that describe Sameth as small of stature.

"Thank you, Lord Ashton," Marilyn is grateful for his calm and reassuring presence at her other side.

She looks at him and he winks at her. "Go show Prince Arwin what you are made of."

She jumps on the balls of her feet and quickly runs to the forefront. When the throng of people clears, Marilyn stops with a smirk on her face. She yawns unimpressed with the gauntlet standing before her. The Prince stands on the other side with a satisfied grin across his face. Time to wipe that stupid grin of his face. Ralston comes standing next to her.

"Seems he thinks that your victory of the gauntlet was a lucky fluke. He does not take your small stature in consideration. Here you have the advantage," he said matter of factly.

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