Chapter 27 - Celia's Paladin Guide

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Arwin is helping his father with paper work in his office. They have been drafting several letters for paladin knights on duty in the furthest corners of the kingdom. Ever since their return from the kings council there has been increased military activity on the border of the White Valley.

In answer Arnoldus increased his army size at the border. But the paladin knights in his army is enough of a deterant against their troops.

"Father, it looks like Drachna is all bark and no show. Everyone claims that Drachna is so powerful but Marilyn beat him," Arwin says.

"Do not fail to heed Leticia's warning about the griffon king. He is a much bigger threat than we realize. The paladin knights may be able to stand up to him but they lack the experience to challenge him openly. Marilyn already told me they did not defeat Drachna. They only outsmarted him. Do not be blind sided by this. If Drachna decides to truly march on our lands the paladins can only bide us so much time to flee. Drachna is a master of the dark arts. We will not survive a war against him."

The silence is suddenly pierced by the thundering of hooves in the castle halls. "Millston! How many times do I have to tell you your paladin horse is not for joyriding in the castle!" shouts Arnoldus.

A girl whoops excitedly as the hooves continue to thunder through the hallway. "Father, Millston is on a mission with Nox by the coast!"

"Maybe it's Grendelow!" suggests Arwin over the noise.

"Grendelow never comes to the second floor of the castle. Besides, he has been very calm ever since Keera made it a part of Celia's duties!" replies Ashton.

Arnoldus and Ashton gave each other a meaningful look before bursting through the office door. Ashton backs right into king Arnoldus behind him as he is nearly skewered by a new paladin guide. They watch as Celia whoops excitedly as the horse continues to gallop through the hall. Marilyn's paladin guide is easily keeping pace. Ashton shakes his head in confusion. Horses don't have horns.

'Celia stay focused! Don't lose control!' Marilyn shouts through her guide, that flies past them shouting at Celia. They reach the balcony. 'Celia watch out!... What the... Stop! CELIA STOP!'

Concerned the three men rush out of the office to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Arnoldus stand stunned. The horse is standing midair. "How the hell can a horse stand in midair like that?" Arwin asks.

'Celia, pay attention! Now stay focused on me and listen. Now I don't want you to panic. If you panic now you are going to fall. Keep your paladin power flowing. Don't release it until I say you can. Now, look around you,' Marilyn instructs through her paladin guide.

"So I am in the courtyard and outside," replies Celia.

"Now look down," Marilyn instructs.

She did and in her panic lost her hold of her paladin power. "Fall freeze!" Ashton shouts with an edge of worry in his voice. Celia's fall stops a finger's breadth from the ground. Ashton breathes a heavy sigh of relief and rushes to Celia's aid.

The king watches the whole thing with a very curious glance and rubs his chin thoughtfully. Ashton is far too concerned about the girl's well-being. Right now there is a slight pink blush on Celia's face as Ashton helps her to her feet. "Is it just me or is there something going on that I should know about?"

"Why would you say that father?" Arwin asks.

"Ashton, practically had a heart attack when she fell and then he runs off to help her on her feet. What is up with that?" Arnoldus wonders.

Arwin circles his arm possessively around Marilyn's waist. "I don't know father, but you are not going to play matchmaker with him either."

"I am starting to get pretty good at it and besides, it's good entertainment, " replies Arnoldus with a devious smirk on his face.

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