Chapter 13 - Ristheart, The Fox of Fate

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Marilyn wakes with a jolt when Grendelow stands up from where it has lain on its side against her back on the hay in its stall. After coming back the previous day from the city she took care of Grendelow until late. Making sure it is in top condition for the road. She took it yesterday to the stable master for new horseshoes and also for its padded blanket as necessary for the saddle along with the royal cover coat and horse armor needed for the journey.

She follows the instructions the stable master gave her from the previous day. Her father comes and gives her a hand. She blindfolds Grendelow while her father helps her in order to keep Grendelow from chopping at her father. When they were done with Grendelow she removed the blindfold and they moved to her father's horse. Swift didn't need a blindfold like Grendelow for his preparation and it  went faster.

Outside several stable boys are busy with the sixteen coach horses of both royal coaches. The stables are all a beehive of activity as horses are saddled and prepared. At long last Marilyn fetch Whistler from her stable and ties her behind the royal coach that now stands ready with no less than six horses.

Two royal caravans are moving behind the royal coaches followed by a military caravan that contains all the soldier's supplies for the journey. Finally, the royal family of Griffondale makes their way to their coaches and the train starts to slowly move out of the castle gates and down the hill.

"Sameth, you forgot to get a helmet," says the queen as she steps outside with a standard-issue helmet under her arm. She walks up to Sameth. Marilyn finds it strange because it wasn't on the list that Ashton gave her yesterday morning. "Allow me to place this upon your brow."

She decides it is best not to ask too many questions. "Of course your majesty. Thank you, my queen, it is kind of you."

She kneels before Evelyn. As the helmet comes to rest on her forehead she feels another strange warmth settling on her head. It feels like an extra blanket being curled up on top of her head.

"Sameth we need to get to the edge of the city. As my paladin squire, you need to be at my side while the prince is in the coach. Here is your paladin cloak. Wear it at all times during our trip to the king's council. It is still the middle of winter and I don't want you to catch a cold."

She allows her father to clasp the royal blue and gold cloak unto her armor. To her surprise, the cloak is thick and warm. With that, her father is about to give her a hand to mount when Grendelow kneels at her side allowing her to mount without assistance. He mounts Swift as Grendelow came to his feet. Her father leads the way urging Swift into a trot. Marylin urges Grendelow to follow Swift.

They pass several shops down the main street and past the first inner defense wall into the lower parts of the city. She notices that the lower parts consisted of the middle-class citizens followed by the low-class peasants who live past the second inner wall defense.

They came to a halt just outside the main gate of the city and there they had to wait. When Marilyn looks back she sees soldiers ushering citizens to the side of the street as the flag bearers start to slowly lead the train of soldier squads, knights, caravans, and coaches down the main street towards their position.

"As your paladin guide is a falcon it can scout further and faster then my wolf guide can ever hope to achieve. So I will teach you how to scout with your paladin guide and see with its eyes.

"Close your eyes let it flow through you and imagine yourself as your guide. Focus your will on your guide. You will lose the hearing of my voice, but I will be here so you are safe. Let your guide show you. Feel how it moves through the air."

She listens to her father, but his voice become distant and inaudible as she follows his instructions. Suddenly the world jumps into her mind in full focus bathed in a brilliant golden hue. She looks at the sky and feels the desire to fly, be she cannot fly without her paladin's permission.

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